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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. LoL I did not said ? need close this toppic to prevent this thing.
  2. post your msn... I can try help you.
  3. hahaha I like this way to enchant... you do not lost your weapon, btw do not exist any weapon. :P
  4. Hm I think moderator need delete this toppic or close..
  5. Try download not customized server... by eclipse. I think will work thoses skills.
  6. Hum, you can see which skill RB uses, just SHIFT and Click on RB. I mean some server packs have this way.
  7. Calm down ^^ btw if you guys config your ports the right way, speed I think will not be problem. I mean, some torrent programs use ports to speed-up. Like emule.
  8. Uninstall your mysql and install and set standard pass... ID: root PSW: root and go on login and server config files and set to root too.
  9. I think PHP site is enough, fast to load and no stuff like images and banners..
  10. You must set L2.ini too, inside your system folder to you current IP or external IP. If you play with server together in your pc, use :)
  11. Hum, I think better way to get AA is by dagger and summoners :-)
  12. Usefull toppic, moderators need stick this toppic.
  13. I think archers are "craps" in dungeon RB... the best is nuker, imagine a sps with dc robe set + WM + Prophecy of water + Dance of siren... :)
  14. What your nick name ??? Make a screen shot to we belive you ^^
  15. Better way to get money is a Warsmith or a Support(WC,PP,BD,SWS,SE,EE,OL) :)
  16. Congratulations for UNDIGGING this old toppic.
  17. 3x post O_o. btw I can not download it because my internet is dia-up, I will wait to my friends get a DVD to me. ;)
  18. Hum, most characterer to delvl is Dwarf spoiller, i mean, server non-official, on server official will take time to get a blue name from mob.
  19. Hum, This is a way to newbies learn to teleport :). Btw nice toppic.
  20. I think is... -STR + CON or -DEX + CON if you want have more CP, HP, Stun resistence and another craps.. or +STR -CON and +DEX - CON to attack, exping etc.
  21. Oo Linux is a cheat tool ? :O Just kidding.
  22. Click on link and the knowledge will show to you.
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