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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. I think no, btw the best weapon to enchant is dagger and bow, because high critical(I heard it :P)
  2. Karpouzi, First all, Post site, server rates, server client(if is c,c5,interlud etc)... it will may help you.
  3. You are so good in the words.... you did not needed tell with "biatch" and insult lazos1993.
  4. L2walker IG too , but if you has party with one tried ress you, will work.
  5. You guys can use L2walker IG, OOG Is a weird to config. IG you just need l2.exe right, OOG you need a lot things, IP, Port, Token, Etc...
  6. I think is a bite hard to get token from extreme, same thing with supremel2.
  7. Private version would be nice :) btw Good luck to ones want download this trojan, you will be hacked. :)
  8. What is warez? I did not never heard about...
  9. Nice Derf, you are a genius :> btw I can not see it yet. =/
  10. Hm so why some ppl says"+1" Oo?
  11. Solo wind is a weird program to bot, l2walker is simple and sometimes easy.. I mean, IG :D
  12. Nice Noble, You will save the day of a lot ppl. :)
  13. I think needs close this toppic, so old.
  14. ......... I think it is a English section.
  15. I do not understand what do you mean with "+1" Btw as I said in another post, I will try it on l2j and l2off. I will post if it works.
  16. I will not give Karma to you, just with this **** trick -.-". BTw how I can give karma ? :P (Pleese send private mensage)
  17. Test your self ;) Btw it is a nice "trick" like to turn pink(flaged) on c2 - c3 servers... You hit and make shop like"SoulBow+16 - 1adena, and another guy will click and he will hit you). If it trick is working, soon ncsoft will fix it. :P
  18. What is drop rate? i mea, if is high is normal to you drop it.
  19. Hm I do not know, i just use l2phx to enchant skill.
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