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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. Sorry , I can not. I had c4 client in about 2 weeks ago, now just c5. :'(
  2. Man, here is a International Forum, I know , english is the laguage more speaked of world. So you can speak in eglish and we can help you and undestand you.
  3. Stfu, if you do not know read the post until my post, so I can not do anything.
  4. I think there no exploits for Interlude. Btw packets is useless now, because if your server has protection, you will be kicked each time you send packets to server. Well good luck in your search, btw l2j is a lot bugs, someone will found one. Peace to you too. ;)
  5. Man, this is a tool to you set .ini files(Zoom, Name of mobs from so far, change collor of Chat window.) It will not need IP, or you are doing something, like, bad configuration.
  6. Yes, like you. Well, can be different. I think no one will send to you in private. No ones do it.
  7. Well, I think is true. But craft and enchant are two things differents. :D . btw has a Crafter on l2max, called Sweethoney, she got lvl 78 and did made 3 class and blue name, if I am right, she never fail to craft 60%. I mean, weapons A and S.
  8. Read the topic title... "[Tool]Bypass GuameGuard (C5. Btw some editor have 2 version to edit. You can edit c4/c5 or c5/c6(Interlude) If I am wrong, send a private message , so, I Will set this reply.
  9. Man, you are just spamming, I did saw and I did said in another topics where you spammed. You should be kicked. Btw you need 100 posts and you have just 24.
  10. Thanks for your share... lol... stop to spam,btw he was asking for blade dancer, not for mystic classes.
  11. Here is not to you ask how to enchant , here is to youy tell us how many and how much enchanted you got ... With out lies :)
  12. Hey edit, set to "more 9 lvl than you" :)
  13. Do not use CAPS LOCK active, it is weird to read... btw yeah, some ppl who want post count, they make a post about "sh1ts things" just to **** forum.
  14. Hum, on ragezone have a lot stuff of l2j.. you can search there if you get no results here.
  15. Maybe, if you mean collor, Is possible, btw use ALT + Y, better than type /friendlist all time.
  16. You can not test this "trick" becouse you have no enough posts... Yes, there a option in config files on servers l2j... echant."something", but is disable by deflaut. I do not know about recomendations, but I do not belive this way.
  17. I never downloaded Oneo server pack, but I think this pack have GM shop, if not, download another pack with souces of l2j-free like hero, l2j-delta, etc and copy sql files and html.. Btw good luck in your quest.
  18. The news is for newbies who do not know to earn money, if you know how to, congratulations.
  19. Yes, if you have Windows Vista, just download and paste on system folder.. Btw do not make post with question... it is sucks.
  20. Are you know what is Manor system ? if you know, you will like this. Btw for thoses who can not understand russian laguage , go to www.l2wh.com , there a tool about manor, very usefull.
  21. Sorry for answer your question so late, but work. Does not matter if you are trying set in c4 or Interlude, it is a texture edit. so be happy ;) edit: I know it work on c5, because have texture of darklegion darklegion.
  22. You always are saying "thx" stop spam, it is suck when ppl are reading post until last post and read"thx"... btw for one who want env.int, try downlaod a patch from any server and edit, I do not know "make"so I only edit. :)
  23. You are a Platinium Member and you can not see the post ? Oo... It is weird.
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