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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. Probally your server has protection againt some packets.. or has GG. You are only spamming... L2phx works on c4,c5,Interlude... c5 sometimes If your server has not GG or any kind of protection.
  2. The best way is to post link to download... btw I did not heard about new hlapex.
  3. If your server have not protection, you can enchant skill with out giants book with l2phx.
  4. It's Old, and to Avoid spam like this... See ? :) Edit: Or here too... Both , they can not see , but are spamming.
  5. Hum, maybe just work on c4 servers... :'( theeses server you did said. no one I think is c5.
  6. Well, I hope it Version 2.0 works. ;) I tried that another one, but the max I can enchant until +12 in server where safe enchant is +8.
  7. Omg you are able to translate your self. I am. Let me see... Something about download and replace on system/guameguard... http://rapidshare.com/files/51829785/npgmup.des.new.html Go to http://www.towalker.com and download l2walker 1.79 Set this on host file in your c:\windows\system32\driver\etc\host and write... localhost vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com PS: I can not undestand, but you need search the "key words"...
  8. Yes, we know is better exp own your chars... but sometimes ppl unlike you have a life , we work, we study(like me). Thoses ppl have not time to play in server low rate or mid rate, so they can pay for it. I think is fair.
  9. Congratulations ^^ You have brain to config this stuffs. I think the player of l2gold will like this. :)
  10. Man, you are a stupid spammer. Of couse you can not understand, it is a greek or russian section. Btw.. I just undestood the title of topic. Here is a zoom patch, just download and paste on your system folder http://rapidshare.com/files/52567610/User.ini
  11. I am very excited .. And it can be opened in October =/ I wish cliented mods to supreme, but that Update of supremel2 does not allow. =/ Some one have zoom to Supremel2 ?
  12. Hum, when appear a window called "Configuration" Go to "Sniffer" and Click in blank area on "Network Device" and set your device conector. Sorry for my english. Edit: I was typing while you post "nvm i got it ". Btw is a nice guide to another ppl.
  13. Why you did posted 2 times? To get enough post to see some topics ? Btw I am very very noob now, I did played cs 1.0 when I had 11 years old... nvm :D. I will watch this movie, but it will take a time. Dial - up network.
  14. Hi, mates. I am searching a guide or a hint about make a server l2j with support for c4/c5 servers... I know there with c5/c6 servers like l2death. I searched on Google and in forum maxbastards, i got no results. Thanks for read. edit: Ops, sorry , I did made in wrong section. :/
  15. You should know... There no hlapex anymore. and you are in wrong section.
  16. There where? Pleese post more info about what are you posting.
  17. I did not got it. You want know if there a way to make account with bots ? and what is ASP ?(Sorry, something I do not know :) )
  18. No one asked to you how many times your account was stoled. Btw. Nemes1s shares l2brut for l2forever, and I think you do not play there. There some ppl fells better hacking another ppl, I do not do it, because sometimes l2brut has trojan or keylogger etc. So, your opnion does not matter. Sorry , but I had to say it.
  19. I did never heard about it, I think is impossible , because the "status" banned is placed in database of server, l2phx just send packets to servers.. maybe some one know the packet for "/unban kaguyakun" in hex codes and sed to server, But I think it is a stupid idea.
  20. I did not undestood you, but , this is a forum international, if you do not know speak english very well, speak english at first line (To ppl knows about what you are speaking) and in your laguage at second line. Some one will answer you.
  21. Totti have a post in the forum about It, called "enchant your skills without giants book" something like :D edit: Btw , on most servers do not work anymore. Just ones with c4 and c5 with out protection.
  22. Which server did you played ? Or you still play ?(I mean, which server this "math" work or you tried.):D
  23. You must select the drive you use to conect with internet... Modens or Lan devices..
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