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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. Hm, on kamael ee cant recharge himself :<, but ee/sps is the best choice imo.
  2. haha your vids are awesome, (dog rapes dog wtf?? xDD) Dont laugh, its an illness , im sorry for him... but we can admit, he got BALLS!!! nZPhQOr9LgQ SpongeBob/Death note (Hm, if you didnt watch Death note, you wont understand :P) J2avdf289OY Hitler gots banned from WoW (Im not a wow player, but there was a cs version, but in portuguese, so I found this one in english :>) 0JF03i7NfIU Scary girl, it has portuguese sub, but the audio is in english. o1JQQy9XFfo
  3. (very old mcdolnald comercial) krXP_TUZqsk (Fat dogs and cats - im sorry for them, they looks sad) cc9ex5DSjSw (minesweeper in 38s o_O?) oQ9iEDMLZpw
  4. Big girls dont cry: (LOL, tbh it dont worth watching.. but who knows...) i3x4C1fJcUk Debil: TkMh-WaWMJo Tunak Tunak Tun (An indian pop star... 7milions views lol) -bAN7Ts0xBo This is halloween(I know halloween already passed away, but.. :P - Original, from the movie, I personally like Marilyn Manson's version :p) xpvdAJYvofI Two epics songs <3 (Requiem for a dream / O-Fortuna) e2Ma4BvMUwU iWdIpFBGENQ
  5. Hm, you must save 1 ews, if you dont, the packets will change.
  6. 1) You need to set the IP server from L2.ini on your l2net and change the host file to 2)Im playing dragonlance (l2j - but I guess its the same for official... not sure :D) and the host file is it: localhost l2testauthd.lineage2.com l2authd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com 3)Hm... you got me... I dont know, I usually just set auto-follow attack and its done.. IDK what youre in mind :D For more question/info try their official forum...
  7. 2357
  8. LSM's party is for c5 server(i.e azure - where EE can do self recharge etc...) Its random, but I'm sure that you won't get at the first room(at least, I never got).
  9. Ah... "/loc" :) it will say the territory(near the orc village, Aden territory etc) Or just talk with a npc trader/manor/etc... and click "Who is the lord of the manor and what is the tax rate".
  10. I though you were afghanistan lulz. I just couldnt be quiet with what youve said. No bad feelings.
  11. Well, Id say a nuker... kinda easy to play and fast to kill, you don´t need buffs(just emp/wm/acu/def buffs is enough) for exping with 1 target, not AOE. You can do what grisom said, going to IT/4s(I like that place) and spamming aura flash.
  12. Yeah... anyone can do it, but grisom did first. -.- No, its called Lindvior, the wind dragon :)
  13. Hi, yes: http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/manor
  14. Hm... some datapack already has a weight multiplier(Im pretty sure that ive seen weight penality on/off)... what datapack version are you using? Btw: Questions like this goes here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=64.0 Cheers.
  15. This is my play style.. not yours. If you like play with b-grade, nice for you. And for what I should waste adena for b-grade set? Any person with half brain knows that mj set is the best, and I dont like the idea of waste adena with this. Ive playing in many servers(low/high) and its not needed to has a b-grade set at all.
  16. I am pretty sure that every server, the chances from +9 to +10 falls to 40% on lvl 78+... Maybe he was playing on some mod server. =D
  17. Hm, this thread really makes my pc run slowly :( Fail cilLKufYOhE
  18. 2305
  19. Hm I would say varka... I can't imagine this situation :p its like trying to compare Antenas(varka - who figths with some kind of culture imho xD) and Sparta(ketra - who fight with no mercy). Knowledge > Brute force Skills > Equips Imho :P Hm kinda off topic, rbs of ketra are (really)stronger than ones of varka, but their drops sux
  20. Actor
  21. I think its a program to do a ddos attack on server... I really don't know nothing about this, just guessing :P They wants to fell important imo. Its like a child that can't get a toy that other kid has, then he breaks his toy _ol.
  22. Nice paint skillz :D damn I cant get over 42k+ Q_Q LF a teacher.
  23. Hm, well, almost all fixed skill on IT can be found on Ct1/ct2 server pack. Just an idea,(i'm not a l2j dev) take the ID of Bugged skill, copy from ct1/ct2 datapack and paste on your interlude datapack. Dunno if anyone have done it... :D
  24. Welcome =P
  25. hahaha :D Well, gratz to every1 :P
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