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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. Welcome. [pt-br] Bem vindo.
  2. Need for Speed PRO Street, I really was expecting more after Most Wanted/Carbon. I mean, it had nice graphics, nice cars list ... it was so repetitive... Also.. I'm trying to learn play WoW... in other words, I don't like WoW(flames coming ><"), or I'm not a addict enough for WoW :p
  3. Sure... sure... you can really drain HP with PP =D Edit: ops sorry QQ I need sleep =S
  4. I guess you're using FF, try this: Uninstall your FF then delete your FF profile on uninstall or deleting manually: (my case - C:\Documents and Settings\Rafael\Dados de aplicativos\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\" then install again :D I didn't tried this way, but probably you'll lost your favorites. So, save then first, I mean, save the links :P
  5. Who wanna enchant your itens safely, watch it. scpXgU9eF_E
  6. hm... tbh it make me remember a situation like this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36129.0 But if you three says that its safe, who am I to disagree? QQ
  7. Minimize first, then go to other user's.
  8. Q+Q=QQ
  9. 2232 me neither.
  10. Who likes death metal ? :D Awesome music <3 vjvVBCNcL_A Hiro: Yatta! vVV2ft4-2xk LOL vt4X7zFfv4k Well done :D O61Do03ZCjw Bruce lee's son AfKSOSHRtQM Nintendo64 pFlcqWQVVuU
  11. I've got my own kitten thx :D btw: http://www.virustotal.com/pt/analisis/62e1ba0a91b29371a744b84e368948bc
  12. Right. I forgot about this =S
  13. Nice =D My opnions: most popular user: K4rMaArr0ws (His signatures are awesome) most funny user: Skaros most professiona User: A-Style (He does well his job as MOD imho) Most Missed User: Koyfo (I don't know where's he, but when I was noob(spammer mostly) he always warmed me, b4 taking any providence) Most Weird User: ALLIG4T0R (I really can't understand a single phrase what he writes :D ) Best Shares User: Anubis (Should Be more than a uploader imo) Best New User [From 2008]: Anubis Biggest Spammer User: ALLIG4T0R (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36184.msg247500#msg247500 -lol :D) The Best G Mod: Noble The Best L2 Mod: K4rMaArr0ws The Best Cs Mod: Blane Thats my opinion :D
  14. QFT You can use what Anubis said. You can pick 2 ways to fight in OLY. *First way: fighting as a mage. Because OL has Acu/Zerk/Emp/Arcane Power. (If you has a ma set, it would be better than dc robe - more p.def (even with soul guard), more m.attack / casting cancel and stun resist. *Second way: fighting as a figther: Bow/Heavy set(I'd suggest you Tallum heavy set). Buffs: Normal buffs. Using Soulguard/Soulcry you'll easily win. Tbh I didn't played as OL in oly yet, but if I do, I would play like that :p
  15. Hello there, I'm posting this topic because this server is fresh =P Server went alive today at ~20:00 GMT +1. I do know there's another topic about this same server, but that one is kinda old and out updated. I've asked to a MOD close the old one. Enjoy. When it went alive, there was about ~600+ players, no lag at all. And GMs DOES care about fixing bugs. Instead of one well known :P Features: Server Information: Main server: Os: Windows 2003 X64 Processors: Xeon 2x3.8ghz dualcore Disks: 1x73gb 15K rpm + 2x147gb 15k rpm Ram: 8gb Database Server: Os: Windows 2003 x64 Processors: Xeon 2x2.8ghz dualcore Disks: 3x73gb 15K rpm Ram: 4gb Server Features: * Rates: x7 adena, x7 xp, x7 sp, x5 drop amount ( only for mats, rest is x1 ) , x5 drop chance and x3 spoil chance , x5 spoil amount ( only for mats, rest is x1 ) , quest rewards slightly adjusted. * Max Level 80 * Interlude Skills/Mobs/Items * Interlude Weapon/Armors * Retail Buff Times and Dance/Song times * Cursed Weapons ( retail like ) * Sieges ( retail like ) * Olympiads ( retail like ) * Seven Signs ( retail like ) * Augment System ( retail like ) * Shadow Weapons ( retail like ) * Clan System ( retail like ) * Duel ( temp disabled ) * 24 buff slots ( divine inspiration books can be obtain the same way as retail) Edit: Link: http://www.l2-illusions.com I'm sorry :D
  16. I think he wanted to says "the man" :D
  17. Visit: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ This program is called l2brute. But it's OLD, and I really don't know how to setup it =S http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2205.0
  18. Hm it was shared before, hide it. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36186.0 Thanks anyway =D
  19. :D Np, my mom died early, so I had to do domestic task(dunno if its right spell). Gl =p
  20. It might help you: http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Blood-Stains
  21. Hm, try to change your frequency monitor(I don't know if it's the correct translation) to 75hz+, I had problems with headache on 60hz in few hours on front pc only.
  22. Hm he's bleeding and you think about his pants ? :D On topic: use band-aid.
  23. Hm.... maybe journalist, I like to know more and more about almost everthing
  24. Server closed or just the website is down?
  25. Well, first find your IP(server machine) CMD > ipconfig, the first IP that appears, it yours lan ip. (My case Then edit your gameserver/server.properties "# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname=YOUR LAN IP (my case," Then, you've to edit your l2.ini with your LAN ip, or just change the client hosts like this: "Your lan IP"(my case, L2authd.lineage2.com "Your lan IP"(my case, L2testauthd.lineage2.com I think that's, I'm not expert on it, and I might be wrong.
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