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Everything posted by melron

  1. melron

    Covid Vaccine

    Topic σε offtopic και πρέπει να γίνει delete?
  2. Για να ακούσω γνώμες... (Ήρεμα παιδιά...)
  3. IconTable.getInstance().getIcon(<item-id>);
  4. What's the issue? Btw, there's already a new version of that feature by stinkymadness.
  5. Fun fact Fun fact 2 https://prnt.sc/198oc86
  6. Put the debug again. If both conditions are true, you have empty reward data
  7. if(Config.ENABLE_PVP_FEATURES && isInsideZone(ZoneId.CustomPvPZone)) pvpReward(); Go ahead
  8. Assuming your reward table is not empty, the problem is located at your zone file. Perhaps there is no setIsInsideZone(ZoneId.CUSTOMPVP) (onEnter method of the zone). Check it ... System.out.println(String.format("Player is inside zone %s, Config: %s", isInsideZone(ZoneId.CUSTOMPVP),Config.ENABLE_PVP_FEATURES)); if(Config.ENABLE_PVP_FEATURES && isInsideZone(ZoneId.CUSTOMPVP)) pvpReward();
  9. A correct code does not mean that it should work. Post the whole method
  10. At solutions page (if you have a lot posts that has been marked as 'solution') and you have more than 1 page, by clicking either Next Page or the number of the next page, you are redirecting to 'Reputation's' pages (instead of solutions) with null content. Buttons that have to be clicked: https://prnt.sc/17n6ud6 The link by pressing any 'next page': https://prnt.sc/17n71ti Result: https://prnt.sc/17n784d
  11. You need client modification to handle this thing. Even if you switch the int on buffer and add a long value, the client will crash.
  12. Try to open your file edit with Strings.exe to find out (maybe) all the possible arguments that an .exe can starts with. use If you do it right, you will get a lot of results. open it with notepad++ and play with regexes to find lines that starts with - or / etc. example ^[-].* for lines that starts with -. Keep in mind, that generally is hard to find out the exact commands just because you cant really know how the dev designed the params. GL
  13. First of all, you can write in greek since you posted in a greek section. Since your custom things are mosty client edits and they are 'easy', its not worth to pay someone for them. You can pick for example, aCis or lucera files (whatever you choose, client modifications are the same) and then apply your changes on your client. There are plenty guides about how you add a custom item and how to set up your fresh sources. If you still believe/want someone to setup your sources and teach you 2-3 basic things, then the (minimum) payment that you mentioned is more than enough. Good luck
  14. C6 x1 without MP pots , without buffer, bot allow
  15. Yeah, I always using the bypass command to communicate / debug something.
  16. Yeah you can use RBTS instead of the execute command (im not sure about that slash.) Also, keep in mind that in order to use execute command you have to register the new action (since you added a new one) to server side on UserCommandHandlers and set the correct ID
  17. A) You dont need that slash when you calling ExecuteCommand (if i remember well) B) You can use RequestBypassToServer method from client and then code the server side part to send your html with the specific path
  18. I got one question. What happened at 2020? https://gyazo.com/c827f0ca3ae9b20a75c2b1c90dda8748 You hadn't any reports to fix? By saying that, why you do mention the phrase "(Like L2OFF)" at your changeset list in some fixes and not at all OR why you do even mention that overall since all your fixes are based on l2 off? https://gyazo.com/77b53b838dd003fb2d893820859ed5f2
  19. The 50% of the solution is already posted before. The other 50% is located at your CharInfo.java. You have to edit this server packet too, just because after you done with this skill,effect ... The time you will user any other skill that is a 'normal' one like battle heal for example, it will broadcast all your abnormal effects to your knownlist.
  20. It would be better if you put some details for the thing you need... Your question is a bit unclear. Do you need to 'hide' the casting animation or the effect like stun (the stars)? Or both? If you dont mind, share with us your thought in order to understand what you need..
  21. As @BruT mentioned, augmentations data are applying to an objectid. So if at any case, the item with this object will be deleted (probably manually) without deleting the correpsonding augmentation data, then the next item which will get this object id, will automatically restore the augment. As you already saw, you may see the item name as Augmented, but the stats / skill is not appearing at the tooltip. This is happening because augments are not implemented on C6 on armor type items. So, the problem is located at a bad move by you. I doubt frozen have that issue (even though is so bad)
  22. You are looking at the wrong place. You should add 1 check on the specific target handler. I'm not into mobius things, but in acis you could add your check in the corresponding target handler which in your case, the type is AURA.
  23. There's nothing that can't be done. You can use xml to parse your values just like you did with the other model.
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