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Everything posted by melron

  1. It would never happens. The chance is 1 line. Rnd.get(). You can use all your threads from your threadpool to run in a while() and request enchants to see the results. About the last one, seems like its server side but from some custom code....
  2. The chance to be succeed or not, it's server side job. Nothing to do with client side
  3. What does that means?
  4. From all the things i said, thats your final answer? Why so much hate mate? I didn't want to offend you but i'll answer your questions. The forum doesn't have any "Free codes" section but instead, a help section. When ever you receiving a help by a hint or by a single line of code and then you have to complete by your own, you writing im not dev. So what? You are just want the rest of the code! So what? You are just want the full code. I don't really care, i always providing codes here and there, but i can't see someone who asking for help in a help section and not on FREE CODE SECTION and saying give me the solution. As for paying, what's wrong with that? What's wrong to give some bucks (probably 2 euro was that) and clean your head with all these shits? What's wrong to prove your self that you respect some people who knows better a few things that you don't? Ok now, you got what you want TWICE.
  5. Apparently you can not understand some essential things. You need to follow some strategy to get the right results in a bug fix but I wont go further about it. I would like to dwell on 2 things that you keep saying. I am not a programmer Pay someone to do all the things you can't do It is a hack. It's not. It all depends on what answer the server will give to the client. Anyway Your bug is obvious by reading the client packet RequestAquireSkill.java. - if (counts == 0 && !Config.ALT_GAME_SKILL_LEARN) + if (counts == 0) { player.sendMessage("You are trying to learn skill that u can't.."); Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(player, "Player " + player.getName() + " tried to learn skill that he can't!!!", IllegalPlayerAction.PUNISH_KICK); return; } If you just c/p the above code, then ive just lost 5 minutes of my life to write this post. If you continue reading this, well, i feel better... A basic communication: You (player) double clicking on the npc. The corresponding html is appearing to your screen. Guess what, the client didn't know the html. Guess what, the server checked if you are dead, if you are paralized, if if if if, and finally the server decided which html you have to read. After that, the client just appearing that 'box'. When you click on "learn skills", a list of some skills would appear. Guess what, the client doesnt know what skills you have to see. The server checked your class,your level, your state, your effects and 1000 other things. Finally, the server accepted your request and after the click of a skill, you are about to see another html which is describes all the clicked skill infos (sp,exp,book etc). Once you click on learn, guess what! The client can't know if you are capable to learn that skill! and instead of decide alone this hard task, is sending to the server 3 things. 1) id, 2) level, 3) type. Now the server is about mess arround and collect any possible information about your request like if you are 1 class (and if yes, what skills you are capable to learn), if you are gm and 1000 other 'if'. Once the server approves, it consumes from you the required materials (exp,sp etc) and the, it gives you the skills. So now, (and finally) , guess what .... Do you believe that anything of what i wrote, is a hack? No! The 'hacker' the only thing that he did was to send the packet of the (id,lvl,type) a bit different. Like different id and level. If the 'hacker' will finally learn that skill, where's the glitch? The server responded OK and the client welcomed this new skill! Enough with the words. Lets see the code. Ignoring some code on the beggining and stand on this: if (_skillType == 0) { Like some ppl mentioned before, frozen is a bad choice. Here for example, what the fuck is 0 ? No comments from the developer and you cant know that shit. In that case, i know. Its the regular skills that the player requests. So 1st of all, here is the right place to check. Inside of that brackets we can see this code final L2SkillLearn[] skills = SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAvailableSkills(player, player.getSkillLearningClassId()); for (final L2SkillLearn s : skills) { final L2Skill sk = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(s.getId(), s.getLevel()); if (sk == null || sk != skill || !sk.getCanLearn(player.getSkillLearningClassId()) || !sk.canTeachBy(npcid)) { continue; } counts++; _requiredSp = SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getSkillCost(player, skill); } I know that its a bit hard for you to understand whats exactly in there, but there are some calculations and verifications in order to verify that the player can actually learn that skill. But hold on, whats the counts++; thing? Is it counting the verified skills? Oh yeah. Lets move on! Lets print whats the value of that 'counts' variable! [ Compiling.... ] [ Printing... ] [ 0 ]. The value is 0. Just because the super haste isn't registered at any class . So how the hell did he actually learned that skill? Lets see what comes next! if (counts == 0 && !Config.ALT_GAME_SKILL_LEARN) { player.sendMessage("You are trying to learn skill that u can't.."); Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(player, "Player " + player.getName() + " tried to learn skill that he can't!!!", IllegalPlayerAction.PUNISH_KICK); return; } Something bad is happening here. Lets expand it a bit. if the counts are 0 (yes we are 0) and our config is false kick the player... Wait what? if (counts == 0 and config == false) kick the player... Wait what? The config is true! Guess.... what.... This condition, would never be executed....
  6. Basically, that's what you have to do. By covering a problem doesn't ensures you the final fix. It may lead to another problem and may it will be harder to find / fix. A possible solution would be the bypass track. Add logs to each logical action that the player is gonna execute and let him to do it again. once you caught him, you will find what he did. Can you describe the whole process of a skills set stack? Is it just by switching subclasses?
  7. Go at the line where the server checks the chance, and just send those info to the player
  8. It doesn't matter what you think and what I think. If people can't give the necessary details for their request , then there's no hope...
  9. What you mean 'that shows' ? Shows where?
  10. item.getItem().getCrystalType().ordinal()
  11. Yeah, i just have some suspicions because some people are not positive to that Thanks for sharing your research. I'll focus on the 2 last Based on their terms and conditions (inside of app), they are referring to that a bit diffrent. Like you 'lock' for 6 months an amount of X euros in order your card to be active for trading, but at any case, at any moment, you can withdraw it (your card will be locked) and get back your money even after some hours once the lock take place. The trick here, is that once you lock for example 350E , they automatically being converted to CRO. So, assuming that 1 CRO = 1E, you have locked 350 CRO. Now, if you want to 'break' the lock status, your locked CRO will be converted again to euros and thats the final value of E you will get back. That means that if the CRO at this momment is 0.9 <=> 1E , you will receive back 315E. But if the cro is 1.1E you will get 385 Yes thats true, thats why i mentioned Curve as a solution . You will be able to buy anything from everywhere (with a small register fee up to 0.7E) and you dont have to carry your card with that way... Once you add your crypto card to Curve, google/apple pay will accept your curve (and inside the curve is your crypto) so, you can pay with your crypto. (Small tip: the 1st 30 days of the curve registration you have also 1% cashback to curve balance)
  12. Yeah, that's what im thinking too! Are you using Curve in order to be able to do your online transactions? Also, have you used the 'Earn' action from the finance dpt which will give you x% after some time ? I'd love to get your feedback
  13. I see your point. May i ask you which card do you own?
  14. What do you mean? I do not speculate, i posted what i saw. Maybe it is an old description from an existing template.
  15. Thanks for info, i searched a bit for that and i found out that the company was originally called Monaco but it has rebranded itself as Crypto.com in 2018. Also, as of September 2020, MCO is the 125th largest cryptocurrency by market cap, according to CoinMarketCap. Its price has fluctuated between an all-time high of $27.10 and an all-time low of $0.64. Crypto.com now got the second token Crypto.com Coin (CRO) that is the 9th largest cryptocurrency by market cap. It is rising at all the available graphs arround (at least of the informations that i collected until now). That's why i started with the free one, i need to find out more infos to do any further action. Thank you It is looking awesome and the same time so suspicious. So many unanswered questions like for example, how the hell they are giving so much profit to someone without take anything for exchange (in free version)? @Maxtor Have you involved into this?
  16. So what? ... The cashback i mentioned its one of the benefits. You can store X amount of CRO for X months and get back 12%. Does your bank doing that? My bank has also 2% cashback... Its not the same as i said before. The cashback (1%) from 100E transaction would be 1$ . But 1$ of CRO. That means, that in 3 hours maybe it will be converted from 1$ to 3$... but also 0.3$ ... That's why im posting it, to get feedbacks
  17. What's your opinion about crypto.com and especially for CRO token??? It is currently on 0.47€ <=> 1 I created my account and downloaded the app in my android phone. I also ordered my 1st card and i'm waiting my address validation to continue. It has great benefits (you can give a try to see them) and i would like to get a feedback from you guys (if someone already got a card). For those who don't know how this crypto works, ill give you a hit. Paying from this card is retuning a percentage amount of your paid price (in my case the 1%) but direcly in cypto coin (CRO). The good thing is, is a great moment for someone to start just because the coin price is worths compared to a week ago... In midnight blue case (the one that i got) you have the benefit of returning the 1% of your paid price as a cro, but if you go for any other card, you have some special benefits like life-time netflix/spotify etc. Take a look And again, i'm not advertising anything (if i would, i could simply write my referral link to get 25$). I'm just asking if someone already working on it to get advantages
  18. Post your packet AcquireSkillList.java
  19. post this method
  20. L2VillageMasterInstance.java -> showPledgeSkillList
  21. The files that are responsible for your trainer manager probably
  22. would you mind to show us some code?
  23. Wtf is this https://prnt.sc/22xqf71
  24. Send directly your desire value and if you will see again the black box, means that is client issue. Otherwise debug your code to see what you will send
  25. So you are developing a project 3 years and can't fix a vote system? Or even worse, you haven't test it for 3 years? Give some info dude... Get real
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