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Everything posted by melron

  1. You should look again this guide.. if your chronicle is interlude you need to edit your client. Otherwise <html noscrollbar>
  2. Good luck sinister :)
  3. NormalFailEnchant se frozen den uparxei. einai kati custom p exeis valei esu.
  4. Tha mporouses na mas peis se ti project douleveis. Des mhpws uparxei kapoio boolean config gia thn energopoihsh tou kai an oxi dokimase na to valeis -1.
  5. I love the way people moving and sendind pms to 10 different ppl for just one thing, after that the victim who will spend hours (even minutes) for him he will get 30-40% of the payment with a random excuse. It doesnt matter the amount, but with this way they trying to get free services, one day will be against them because the best cheater is the guy who will spend hours in their sources :) <3 @Ontopic icaro, do you have proofs that he is accessdenied? Also do you have proofs that proves him scammer?
  6. if you saying that because of my post, when i said it reminds me the old style i meant the town wars and not the free areas as the new gve servers have as pvp areas. @OnTopic I will give a try
  7. Ρε φιλε εισαι μαστουρομένος? Δες τι γράφεις
  8. Ορίστε?
  9. Seems good, this style reminds me the old gve with towns :) good luck
  10. it was your answer in my post when i said that a decompiler cant give you 100% the same code, Go back and check it
  11. Someone said that :) I know that its not easy. Just sometimes some ppl trying to be smart thats all
  12. that was my point. No one decompiler can give you the same sources. What this zavior is saying is if you are skilled you can get them by decompiler. You have to do things to get them correctly
  13. You can promote yourself to take my seat anytime , The thing that you can write sources by your own in 1-2-3-4-5 days is different than decompile a jar and get the sources. I doubt that you can have the same sources from decompiler without changing something
  14. Even if you decompile the jar my friend you must know that you will never get exactly the same code . Your sources will be like 80-90%
  15. You can check some p.c details like mac address in your base server or email or or or (you have to set it manually in your database ) the software will send the info everytime it run.... take care about the server connections. you cant prevent decompile so a connection that inserts data might be harmful. You cant prevent copying... lets say you can make it as 'less useful' unless it is register.. that way a copied software will be as a demo which might force them to buy it with giving the proper details on you
  16. Happy new year cheaters! Kalh xronia paidia!
  17. the first one is for magic weapons like arcana mace. the 2nd is non magic weapons for EX db bow... now about the armor type formulas acis chance is different like frozen for ex. take a look chance = Math.pow(Config.ENCHANT_CHANCE_ARMOR, (enchantItem.getEnchantLevel() - 2)); means in every enchant the chance is lower . live example with 0.99 in configs for armor
  18. still breaks on what enchant value?
  19. Create your custom npc instance and play with bypasses. Ex. in your first button make the bypass looking for the ingredient item ...etc
  20. You and all l2jproject owners :) so dont expect something stable (atleast fast), on the other hand if a project would cover all your needs whats the point of the continuous development on that from their side?. All i want to say is compromise with one project and do the necessary changes . ;)
  21. Well just pick a pack and make changes of what ever you think must be changed. dont search for stable packs because you will never find it. There are tons of successful l2jfrozen,acis,lucera,scoria,l2jhellas servers .... If your knowledge can fix all your needs go ahead, otherwise hire a dev and create your pack and thats all...
  22. Why you need quest to do that? Simply create your own instance and put checks about the items.
  23. take a look in method isValid in AbstractEnchantPacket.java
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