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Everything posted by iGroparu

  1. Man now how can u say server is like l2Gold , now lets clarify some things l2Gold is legendary !!! Your free downloaded pack doesent even come close to it , I mean look at it copy pasted info and free website how can u say stuff like this and expect not to be trolled ?
  2. I've seen servers in closed beta with more players :dat:
  3. Yes the only thing is that the other 210 players are missing....
  4. Could we please not ruin the only official hellbound server that is out right now !!!!!
  5. Hi all , im looking for a good lineage 2 server to pass some time and start playing again :) does anyone know any server that start's today? I dont really care about rate's and soo on but i do care about the population so if its a faill 999..x server please dont write it here , it must have a decent online , true online not fake online ofcurse :). If anyone else is interested in joining a server today maybe we can settle up a party or something and get the fun goin :). Thank's all cya IG.
  6. Good old c4 days , how many online players does the server have?
  7. The antibot system to register on forum is soo wrong :)
  8. Yes i want to know if the online count is fake or no also cause it seems like a preety good server :)
  9. Maybe not 1k ...900 are ok :)) Ahh the irony , dude u wont even reach 100 what are u talkin about 1k - 2k . No payd advertisment no advertisment at all in fact your server doesent bring anything new.
  10. Dont miss that "EPIC" Grand Opening , yea dont miss that epic 20 players grand opening :)) and the excuse for this would be we are not accepted in topzone/hopzone and we didant had any advertise ....
  11. Why u think u actualy know something about my sexual life :)))), dude stop being so desperate ... I really wanna see how far can your stupidity goo
  12. WoW dem prophet's mate :)) Could u tell my street number also? First of all u frustrated kid i wont even come down to your level , becouse you are not older than 15 and u dont know nothing about me ...
  13. Could u tell me the wining lotery numbers also ? Ohh mate w8 i forgot u sell those Bugland pack's to kids and u offer protection and prophet services also..
  14. In 1 - 2 Weeks im allready full , and what are u some kind of prophet tellin us how the future will be :)) . GTFO back to ur fukn cave u fukn psychopath. Hahahahha
  15. At least their forum is not empty like those crap l2pride server's , seem's interesting l2cartel in my opinion was verry populated and balanced , the inbalance was given by auguments in my opinion ... Oh the site is not written on this page but i found it using Google :-beep- yeah: . Here is link for website/forum http://l2renaissance.com/
  16. Yea well basicly ur system doesent allow the dsetup to be changed , dsetutp.dll is verry important as it runs the gameguard. Usualy users with this error try to run PHX or bots.
  17. I can sell u the dupe method , but i have to tell you its only for interlude first of all . And basicly u can dupe almost evry item not only mantras :)
  18. You know that wow beats lineage 2 in absolutly evry thing right? I'm a lineage 2 player myself and i dont really play WoW but i dont sub estimate it cause they are still the nr.1 and they are number 1 for a good reason. I like this idea , and what if it doesent ruin nothing? I mean u can allways make it like u can trade only the original set , after the set has been changed on subclass it cannot be traded.
  19. Have u made any advertise?
  20. Last time was empty :)) , btw time left till open?
  21. When i select the script I allways get Access violation error anyone know how to fix this?
  22. Server closed , cause of biggest fail we ever seen :))
  23. Dont even try he is hoting this on his home pc , and u cant even move or do something the srv is laging with 10 players in the same spot.
  24. Doesen't seem bad from the feature's . Will give it a try.
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