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Everything posted by iGroparu

  1. Is it scheme buffer with all bufs?
  2. Same old feature's that we've seen in 1k+ servers , nothing special and for sure nothing new. Enjoy playing on a 1 week server , cause u know ....after there are no players online only the donators with their full ++.
  3. We are not accept donate`s If u cant write properly in english what can we expect from ur 10th time open? Not to mention the big copy paste you made there ,did u told someone to write it for you? You developed all that stuff but ur not able to write in english . GG
  4. How many players are u expecting?
  5. Man what to farm for there are 200 maybe at max , real players on your server. I allready haved full items in 5h of gameplay , people have 10 boxes active , go godard in front of Caradine you will see 5 bots added from ur server cmon u have fake online what are u trying to prove? Adding stuck augs and lowing the rate will make those nabs go farm , instead of killing new people in spawn ... And maybe you will get more donated hero's and maybe more donated active/passive..
  6. How about Olympian :)) i forgot to make foto u probably change it , cmon dont lie ... just be serious , there are no other players joining making auguments stuck will give them a reason to farm instead of staying afk all day in godard.
  7. They are not even capable to make an augument stuck :)) , they say on forum they will make them work :)) and after they dont...Unserious gm , jail me for tellin ppl that there is Elf hero on soultaker class.
  8. Who knows what other bugs are there ...
  9. What are you doing here snoopy , you should be working on those "Terms Of Agreement" becouse most of us think they are retarded and do not apply in this server not to mention the copy paste that is obvious, i acctualy heard a few people left the server becouse of them , and half of my clan was asking if we are goin 2 get banned cuz we all have dualbox. Stop being a lazy web-dev and do something. Have u payd elfo to let you join as a staff member?
  10. http://base.l2j.ru/index.php?p=19&skid=176 Please check all ur skills before making such afirmations.
  11. Another test done by me shows that , Frenzy is not working in this server. Here are the screen shots ,now if skills were not tested what can we expect? Pics : 1) Normal stats Uploaded with ImageShack.us 2)With Rage Uploaded with ImageShack.us 3) With frenzy Bonus stats +2 acuracy =)) Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  12. Server is made to have op mages? Stuning... Btw one of ur gm is really funny he spawned a lvl 70+ mob in dion , lack of experience can be seen
  13. Sad but true. Mana Potion reuse is 0 how can this not be tested? Maybe elfzor is a good dev , but the server is full of bugs.
  14. How many where online on start? Nice restart no announcement...
  15. Yes the register is probably broken it says "allready in use" for any username we use...
  16. Fix the bloody countdown , it shows 1h and 20 mins ...
  17. Spread the word , invite more friends :)
  18. Forum is empty , ur forum moderator copy pasted l2Gold terms of agreement. Have u had Open Beta? What are the machine specs(foto please)? On what bandwith ur running the server , some proofs on speedtest.net would be apriciated.
  19. You should clean up the forum , and start buying those banners on hopzone :)
  20. Nice server :) I'm waiting for the Grand Open but i have some suggestions. Buy the DDoS protection. Verry important on start , many l2Gold like servers failed in the first minutes becouse of this. The "Reload It" donation system is BS , and OP. Players should be able to donate for only Accesory/Scrools/Pets and stuff that doesent give you a huge advantage in game. Advertising is verry important , a sucessful Grand Open can build some confidence about the server future . And not only this but it can also bring you some donations to keep the server up.
  21. Dont you know its ilegal to even start a l2 server becouse of NCSoft T.O.S? So why are u complaining when u are pirating some other people work in the first place...
  22. Newly opened? Are you out of ur freakin mind this server started 10 times till now , thats why nobody join's. Cuz we all know u open make some cash and close it . Dont join this , its a waste of time , by that quote the admin is demonstrating to all of us that he is a LIAR
  23. Another failed pre made pack :) he just download it and after instal it ... Fail server anyway dont waste ur time here. Website is down also :)
  24. +1
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