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Everything posted by iGroparu

  1. Serbian's are known for their stupidity ...
  2. Nice features did u guys haved any :y u no?: beta tests till now ?? Or its goin to be full inbalanced?
  3. Server Failed on Start.
  4. Lineage 2 Felix :))) , What a rip-off
  5. +1 We should all advertise this server :) it have's great features and if gm is not corupted that will be even better.. but we will see on Grand Opening , GL & HF
  6. Corupted Admin/Gm's saw him in goddard after 1h how he poped +20 on a guys db , and now 20 mins later at pvp his friends where having augument skills on db's out of nowhere and u can buy 1 ls with 1 vote medal and till now all server got 4 and there were allready 2 guys having auguments on wepons ... chance 12% if ur not gm's friend maybe .
  7. The best interlude low rate server i know is : http://playdefo.com/ 1x 8k Online ..At any time
  8. http://playdefo.com/ 8k Online Interlude 1x http://goldworld.su/ 2k Online 100x
  9. agree :) will fail for sure ... Coder/Graphics in hospital that is bullshit but hey :not bad: . il join to see how many online on start u sayd 4k last time ...
  10. this server opens today? Then why site/forum arent working and saying that "This account has been suspended"
  11. +1 nice rates and features :not bad: , but could u add a site and a forum ? And 1 suggestion add Online Counter on website....it can attract aloot of players
  12. Hey im looking for a c6 server that is 30 - 100x and haves 700+ players online . :not bad: And its international please no br or ru servers.
  13. pm me ur skype id :)
  14. Well id like to sell about 100 VIP Gamer slaves :) , u may be asking what can u do with them? Well here are a few things :) -Il setup a R.A.T for you and with this u can control his pc u can even infect ur friends with it and control his pc 2. -Steal/Bot/DDoS/Make his pc go crazy :)/See his Webcam/Block his mouse.... Lots of features. -Those slave's include Steam wallets , Games LoL Accounts , Lineage 2 Accounts. Paypal and others .... The price for setup + 10 VIP Slave's is 10 Euros. If u want a spreading working method to setup ul have to pay 15 Euros +++. I can setup methods to work in ur needs. Ex: If u want the slaves to have a game or something that u dont i can setup the spread method so u only get the slaves with what u want.
  15. I'm intetested in ur account :) leave a pm with ur skype :)
  16. Hello I want to sell my league of legends account :) for a cheap price down u can see some pics of the account. I setted the price at 25 Euros, but for the first buyer that contacts me il make it 20 Euros. Post here or Pm me. Pic 1: http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/2949/profilezy.jpg Pic 2 : http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6811/champions1j.jpg Pic 3 : http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/7251/champions2.jpg
  17. Hello i want to buy a l2 Cartel account :) With char ready for pvp :) passive/active skills are a must :) Pm me ur char info ( ss would be nice ) or post it here... and i will come back to you with a pm :)
  18. Hey il buy it right now if u could tell me the population of the server and maybe add me on skype :felix.4fun so we dont turn ur topic on a chat post :)
  19. can u leave a price or add me on skype : felix.4fun
  20. seems nice :) at last a seller online , do u have any other pvp char?
  21. Pm me ur skype , and the price please :) Ur account is :not bad:
  22. Hello all , im looking to buy a good char for pvp that means allready geared up and lvl'ed. My budget is 30 Euros on paypal but i can also offer 1 lol acc with 71 champs and lvl 30 + Skins , and 1 steam account with : cod bo2 , dota 2, mw3 , cs , cs:s , cs:go and others. Im looking for : -The toon got to be on a populated server 1500+ Online -Got to have good items , i dont care if it's hero or not . But if it is it's a + for me -Looking for mature traders. -And most important i prefer a interlude server. Looking forward to trade for accounts on those servers: Rpg-Club , goldworld.su. But any other server that haves good population (and i dont mean offline shops) is accepted. Contact me via skype: felix.4fun or leave a pm here.
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