502 Bad gateway on server start :)) GG fake server spreading a virus :)
Few mins ago it was infected , after new patch https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/c7bbc31be4a80345952a8a65687d830b104799ceefa2a8097d18db1929f4953f/analysis/1369493940/ , now that looks too clean if u have protection against boots as u sayd then there got to be 1 fake positive , but ofcurse u crypted it didant you.
first 7 h delay from promised start , after another 1h , and after 16h that camed with a bonus of no new topic on forum , he disabled posting after the new announcemnet so we dont flame his sorry ass all night for making us w8 that long , -beep-in -leeching-s man.
Hello :D
I would like to buy vesper/vorpal items in l2World
Adena at good prices.
Im curenlty looking for
++ Vesper Dual Dagers
Vesper light armoor / Vorpal Light armor
I will be paying via paypal in Euro or Dollars . I do offer great prices for the things listed up.
Copy - pasted from the authors post. :D Check it out.
Hello i've seen many of u are playing on this l2 server and i decided to help. Me and a friend of mine have costum cracked the l2 zRanger bot to work on l2World, they have great security but its not imposible to by-pass.
Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?r4c36gllgzkmekz
It may work on other server's as well , all features are unlocked. We havent tested on other servers
You will need to update .NetFramework to 4 in order to work
Virus Scan :
Im interested in buying adena on this server , and items like epic jwls , wepons ++ and stuff like that. By the way im looking for resonable prices on adena , if ur interested in selling just pm me here on MXC , and i will send u my skype so we can agree to a deal.
Hey guys ive just started 2 play lineage 2 h5 , after about 3 years of interlude and i feel lost . I dont know where exactly i need to go farm this armor im curently playing on a low rate server 20x and i have level 81 as Storm Screamer.
I am equiped with
Dc armor
Am +Acu
TT Jwls
So how do i get this armor? Or should i first get moirai or something , either one i dont know where to farm for them.
Hello i've been serching the web for something like this i found On Screen Damage Display only for hellbund and garcia :okey: , but i need it for interlude ,so can some one help me out with this? :good sir:
server didant wipe'd so i tought its goin to be a fresh start for all but no.. any way the only serer that in my opinion wont fail will be eckokinetics :) cant w8 for it