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Everything posted by canis

  1. 1. copy text to: Script Make 2. save script 3. go to Script Run, and press Flash button 4. choose your script from the list, and press run
  2. learn to read or think a bit, i wrote that making healer/healer clan is useless. bp/pp, es/bp etc are buffer/healer or summoner/healer chars, and i think they are very usefull. btw. on mass pvp i am support char.
  3. on every L2 server fighter skills reuse depends on your attack speed, so if you are equipped with dagger when you use fighter skill(frenzy,guts,ud etc) your skill reuse is smaller.
  4. here u can find some info and links related to this game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shenmue_Online
  5. rock/metal/pop music ;)
  6. on which server u tested? cause for me it worked on Dragon with UE, and cant check if it works with more buffs as serv is down since yesterday ....
  7. if u are making typical support char, its almost impossible to win in oly ;) and i think es/bishop is better than wlk/bishop. Elemental Summoner have also pet which regen mana and have more casting speed :)
  8. what healer classes only? bp/bp? ee/bp? se/bp? if someone have this kind of char he is an idiot in my opinion ... ;p
  9. cool it worked with ultimate evasion, ill check with more buffs in a minute :) (and as RC-AAS11 said, the effect is removed when u get new buff, or u change your armor set (your stats change))
  10. nice share im going to test it tomorrow on some char :)
  11. maybe it worked for u ..... few years ago ;) when u start update from official, u always get updated to the latest chronicle (atm its CT1)
  12. nice, finally i dont have to make quest to enter baium(does it work on valakas/antharas?) ;p
  13. nice share, i gained baium blood thx to this exploit ^^
  14. ofc u need walker to use script ...
  15. i like normal names, without any xxxNamexxx or IiINameIiI etc. and without any numers in name. I think this kind of names ruin fantasy climate.
  16. For retail u only need to talk to boxes that spawn after raid death, u dont have to kil any raids oO
  17. i can pwn like this without zariche ;) [joke ;p] anyway i cant wait for IL on my server ^^ , but i can bet i'm not so lucky to get zariche ;/
  18. ty for share ^^
  19. i wont use it till some 'pro' member tells me its safe ;p
  20. I never treated noob/naab as an insult. Word noob doesnt have to mean only: ''new player'', cause when someone act stupid, have lack of knowledge about some things etc. - he act like noob(new player?). It can also mean a person that have done something wrong. (for example killed an ally/clan mate, if he cant recognize ally/clan mate doesnt it mean he is noob?) ;)
  21. I'm glad to hear that, gms on private servers will not be able to summon nice augment on weapons(like WM10) for their clans/alt-chars :)
  22. i'll check it, but I guess I'll be back to L2 after 5min of playing ;p
  23. will it work if i have static IP ?
  24. piracy saves our pockets, and I dont think it kills music, it helpes to get albums/cd's that were never available to buy in some countries, so it supports music in some way ^^
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