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Everything posted by canis

  1. @R3DST0RM ppl like bots cause exp is long and boring, and l2w can exp your char for you, so u only pvp yourself what is best part of any MMO game.
  2. seems nice, ill try it in free time ;)
  3. thx for links im gonna check if Kamael is as good as ppl say ;p
  4. @jordan232 nice method, i need to try it with my next char ^^
  5. dont bot in BS, its most common bot spot, every gm knows it and on my server 90% of banned bots, were bots at BS.
  6. yes Augmentation and SA, but u can choose SA and Augmentation is random ;)
  7. @FabZ_Rmc well that depends are we talking about self buff 1v1 (Oly) or full buffed mass pvp, on mass pvp OL used to support clan/ally with cp regeneration etc. and 1v1 im pretty sure OL win with SpS ;p (full buffed 1v1 probably also OL wins as his drain returns him 80% of HP? ;)) @pintassilgo well to beat a HE, any mage need 1-2 crits ;p
  8. change name of 2nd autoloader to DragonNetwork1
  9. nice guide ^^ , is there a way to see how many ppl you killed during siege? or how many ppl your clan killed?
  10. +1 for OL as he has mass debuff, buff, he is a combo of mage and warrior ^^ and i love it ;)
  11. i have made a fishing script today: LABEL(Fish) CharStatus(HP,<=,99) { UseSkill(Fake Death,Self,TARGETNAME) DELAY(10000) "estimate the time u can kill the mob" CharStatus(HP,>=,99) { ChangeWaitType(1) } } DELAY(3000) JMP(Fish) u need th or bh to use it, as it uses fake death if hp is lower than 99%(if monster attacks u), and it stands up when your hp is back to normal.
  12. as Krizzz said: dualbox is when you run 2 clients on 1 pc. If u can start only 1 client from your L2 folder, just copy it to other place and start 2nd client from there.
  13. nice guide for beginners, i suppose pro's already know all of it ;p
  14. well from lvl 52 i botted outside Goddard (1/2hp mobs lvl 70) maybe your bot will not die there also ;p
  15. lvl 60-70 Valey of Saints or Death Pass, noone is usually there (at least on my server ;p)
  16. Nice guide :) u have done alot of great work :)
  17. till 52-55 try in sea of spores or Plains of Glory or Plains of Fierce Battle (around Aden Town), after that u can try Valley of Saints, Death Pass
  18. WM = Wild Magic (increases chance for magic crit.)
  19. nice script, im going to start fishing tomorrow ^^
  20. nice share, anyone knows what is chance to get passive WM5-WM10?
  21. canis

    ANIME !!

    FMA was great for me ;p i like also bleach and naruto (didnt watch Death Note yet ;p)
  22. Yeah l2 is the best! i dont think there are some cheats to Hellgate, as i guess its quite new game ;p
  23. i download with 80-100kb/s so not bad ^^
  24. btw. anyone have some script to attack rb when his hp<10% ? it would be very usefull for noblesse quest (last hit on barakiel)
  25. big thx ^^, now i dont have to camp for raids, bot will do it for me ^^
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