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Everything posted by canis

  1. my cousin who plays on retail server just told me in IL sk and bd skills are still based on c.spd (drain, ls etc) so unless drake changes something bd skills will be still c.spd based skills ;p
  2. noone wants your items, give me 1 horn pls ;p i can give u draco for it ^^ all i have for trade %D
  3. well nice share, but i hope all fake heros will be banned soon! ;p
  4. l2ownage aka l2rage is most stupid server i played, with 14k p def. some archer hit for 1-2k lol gg to all ppl playing there ;p
  5. Pets Setings -> Pet BUFF/Pet Skill and choose Bleesing of Queen. (im not sure if it works, cause i never had sumoner char)
  6. are u sure SK and BD skills will not be based on casting speed? and what about their power, will it be based on m.atk or also not? and if not, what will those skill be based on? (lightening strike, drain etc)
  7. u also need some 3-4 chars of lvl 40-50 to kill AntQueen and get ring.
  8. if u have any chars on DN, post stats screens here ^^, we wanna see them (i'm also interested how is your he/pp and other archers like he/wlk? as im thinking about making an archer, maybe bd/pr? or pr/ps?)
  9. i would like to see screens of stats: sk/se, sk/aw, sk/sh and sk/ps. if some1 have paste here screens(in A/S grade) of full buffed and self buffed ^^
  10. @D4rkAngeL666 how is SK/AW in oly? i'm making SK/xx , and im looking for info about sk/se, sk/aw, sk/sh and sk/ps in oly(and 1v1 self buffed fights).
  11. well as ps/sk u can play on mage or warrior stats. on mage stats u have nice m.atk and c.spd. SK sub gives u: -lightening strike(paralizes target + nice dmg), life leech, drain, touch of death as offensive spells.(but your range is only 600 ;/) -great m.def and p.def, + vengance,ud,final fortress, guard stance and shield fortress PS sub gives u: -transfer pain, summons -arcane agility(increase c.spd) u can also choose: SE: -self EMP,Heal,WM,(in interlude erase and mana burn) -range also 600 ;/ SH: -arcane power(increase m.atk) -range 900(of SH ofensive spells) AW(if u prefer beeing a warrior): -trick, bluff -blows ^^
  12. nice but i would prefer Naruto Online ;p
  13. omg u have to be super farmer if u have 4 horns o.O
  14. yes, u cannot drop weapon(with augmentation) when u are pk.
  15. low rate, i hate high rate servers (x20+) with alot of glowing weapons ...
  16. wow nice trick ^^
  17. seems nice, let us know if someone tried it ;p
  18. @dag0 your sub is not good for heals, cause if u play on warrior stats u are too slow to cast it during pvp ;p necro/sk/bd/se .... better ;p
  19. i wish i had at lest 50% of your luck ... my weapons broke already 4times from 3->4 ....
  20. i dont like playing on x30+ as the servers are full of red weapons .... and if something like bot exist i dont mind using it. as i used to play without l2w when i was teenage and had alot of time to exp my char ;)
  21. time to check it ;)
  22. u can also set gloom in: Other Heal->Open Skill in Fight->Skill1. it should also work ;)
  23. lol nice comics ^^
  24. Dont do it on DN, most of ppl who tried last week was banned ;p
  25. u just have set PATH in IG Walker to your l2.exe file(in system folder), and press RUN button as many times as many windows u want ;p
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