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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Warned him.Let me know if he does anything.
  2. Blane


    Locked Yesterday at 05:50:33 PM •FuMa• VIP Member topic: [share]IDoser the internet drug
  3. I'm just too busy lately.I'm happy that we gathered some people in this topic :) iPhone 4.
  4. Just pm him.You shouldn't give out ip's that easily. (edited)
  5. And in her dress down there (in the left side of the dress).Just erase them.No rating as always, but it's an impressive tag.
  6. And also, don't report already reported topics. All done till now.
  7. Or refresh the page 1-2 times.Strange error.
  8. You have to be kidding me. Serious problem? He should be smart enough to post it in Off-Topics section.Spam section is meant for spam threads, funny threads etc.As GrisoM well said, we can't punish every user getting off-topic in spam section.It's just ridiculous.And again, accusing the staff.Is that a fashion or something? Being in this place, means he understands the rules of this forum.He was spamming as we all do(in the right place ;)). End of case.
  9. Done till now, if there's anything missing, please re-post it.
  10. Ban modified to 1 week.Next, should be permanent.End of case.
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