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Everything posted by Blane

  1. It's inspiring, that's the only thing I can say for now :D
  2. Πέρναγε ένας σήμερα και βλέπαμε το match.Και γυρίζει και λέει, μπράβο περάσατε στην επόμενη φάση. Ε τι να του πεις μωρέ; Αυτοί δεν αξίζουν ούτε απλή προσοχή.
  3. True designer.Great job mate.I would erase some of the fire in the right hand.But generally, it's great.
  4. Ok just keep the group at normal blending and change the blend mode of the layer.To be honest, a group with one layer only, has no sense.Just keep it out of the group and rename the layer, if you wanna be organized well.
  5. A group is just a set of layers which are organized together in a folder.It won't change anything, but you should be aware of the order you put the layers in the folder.When you drag and drop a layer in a group, automatically the layer goes in the end of all grouped layers.Maybe when you placed the text in the folder, it went down, in the end of all layers of the group. Hope I helped you out.
  6. Most of the things you said up there are wrong. But anyway, I can't keep talking with someone who supports windows 98. That's it. :P
  7. At least.Someone's gonna replace this boring logo. I might give it a try.
  8. Do not compare the hardware only.Compare the OS with the Hardware together.It CAN'T be compared with crap wind0w$.
  9. Look, dunno why.I'm having a mbp and I'm more than excited with it.Its performance is spectacular, really.I'm designing and programming in this notebook, without having it crashed EVER! So, yeah, I'm more than a fan, for Apple.
  10. And I was looking for a hater. :P Anyway bro, it's your opinion keep it like it.I won't change your mind.But some of the things you're saying are fake, without a base.Anyway..
  11. I'm on vacations now.It's a shame, speaking with such words for the best OS around.You've had an experience, it seems I can't change your mind, but w/e.Everybody deserves to have his own opinion.When I'm back, I'll post some statistics, some facts, some own tests which MAY change your mind. Anyway, I'll suggest to my friend, OSx.
  12. You made my day.Really :P
  13. Give me some points, and I'll get it.
  14. You've gone too far. Before I press the god damn holy ban button... Case closed.
  15. Yeah I'm seeing the blur thing you're saying.Dunno, maybe some more actions bringing his head out of there.Nah, personal taste :P It's an awesome outcome generally.
  16. Imo, blur a bit the bg.Place the character out of the background (known as depth).It should look better. Great job btw!
  17. I think a slight paint with a low opacity rounded brush in the background of the text would solve the issue.You can also use some outer glow with low opacity.I'd never go for a stroke though :P
  18. I would remove the stroke from the text. The rest is perfect.
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