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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Υπάρχουν άτομα διορισμένα γι αυτό το λόγο.Το θέμα θεωρείται λήξαν.
  2. Ηρεμία... Έπρεπε να το γράψεις αυτό;
  3. You have a great imagination.Use it to draw your own art coming straight from your mind. ;)
  4. That will be just a feature.
  5. You will all be informed really soon about it.Just be patient.
  6. I'm in a net-cafe right now. And no, I won't give info for the r0om.
  7. If I find some internet till the night I'll check the whole situation. Thanks for the info.
  8. Could I know where the GR Off topic went?
  9. Basically that means that the template has been built automatically from Photoshop.Changing something moves everything in different position: that's because all the website is a big table with little boxes to cover the images. This is not the proper way to code a page.
  10. Didn't know you like Photography.I'm having this hobby for some months now. Pretty happy to know, there's one more here. :)
  11. Blane

    Your Phone?

    Windows mobile? FFS. At least put Android.
  12. http://www.acapela.tv/Snowy-133811784_c363743411f77.html
  13. Δεν κάνεις τίποτε με γατάκια φίλος. :P
  14. I hope msn will log me in to see the progress of the work.
  15. Blane

    Your Phone?

    iPhone.Of course.
  16. I didn't have the time to answer.I can't judge for now, since I'm too busy. Sorry.I can take care of the award, if that's an issue.
  17. Blane

    PM Abusing

    Case closed, can't do somethin'.
  18. Can't edit titles.Only maxtor can. Locked.
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