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Everything posted by Blane

  1. It's a warning.Get serious next time.
  2. The next time you call Goddess shemale, you're banned.
  3. Just to mention.We're not here to judge, listening to our ego/mind/heart.We're here to judge with facts. Good afternoon.
  4. People could still discuss, no reason to lock it.
  5. Speaking 'bout my side, this won't happen only for staff members.That means that if someone else is being treated with the same way (a normal member as you said), I'm gonna take the same actions.It means nothing for me.And well yes, I can't hide Coyote is a friend of mine, but that doesn't mean he's special in here.Wake up, stop accusing the staff all the time, we're not perfect anyway.If you don't like the community, go on, make a new forum, with the same settings and start your own staff there.Honestly you're behaving like a little kid, accusing all the time, everybody with only reason to find justice.You wanna hear it? Yes! We're not perfect, none said or claimed we are. Thanks.
  6. Or some grunge backgrounds, brushing with scars, thunders, stuff.. I have to agree with Syntax.
  7. I didn't understand a thing. :S Honestly now, could you please re-phrase your reply in proper language so I can understand you?
  8. Ok, lemme say what I believe. This topic was made to laugh with Coyote & Sofi, even both of you guys are not saying it (speaking 'bout Syntax & Goddess).It's obvious, you made it not to discuss, but to laugh with him.That was what Erol understood and I think he's pretty right, junking the topic at the end.Now the karma is restored by me, since there was no reason for you to get dekarmed.But please, don't look for excuses to accuse the staff for something.I know you could accuse everybody with those rules we have right now and find some "holes" in the rules to do so.I, personally, know you're supposed to spam with no-limits in spam topics, but since you're trying to laugh with an other member, we have to take an action. So, karma restored, since you shouldn't get dekarmed for me, but topic stays in junkyard. That's all!
  9. Fix the left side of the image.You'll see it seems like it's cropped. Nice outcome :)
  10. No, he's pretty sure about what he says and I can get it. People who have contributed in this community, members, staff, everyone, are passed through some search, before they do get banned.I'm not saying that I'm trusted, since I cannot really have an opinion about myself, but we work like this.I mean, if someone is caught of stealing and riping other's work, then we'll do a bit of search, then ban him.Even if the stealer is a staff member, he'll be banned.But, see, when someone is a serious member, with years of work here, active bla bla bla, we'd do a double check.I know it sounds unfair but I cannot lie to you.This is it.And this is the best thing we can do for the whole fucking-leeching problem.
  11. Since I'm in the Staff, it means I'm trusted for the community I suppose.So, since creating an account with my own name in other forum seems a lil' weird, we'll check first, then ban.But we can't do the same procedure for each single member, can we? If you have something better to suggest, I'm personally opened-minded :P
  12. Following the rule of IP's and registered e-mails, we couldn't have banned anyone till today and prevent leeching.Usually registered e-mail is hidden and we can't ask the admin of the other site to give us such info. So unless Realtek himself, proves the opposite, the situation stays the same.
  13. He've just shown his char.If he does that for 2 times or 3, then ok.Pm me.
  14. Thanks m8, keep up the good work in PS.
  15. Dekarmed.Replies deleted.
  16. Αρκετά το τραβήξατε το θέμα.Όποιος θέλει κάτι παραπάνω ας επικοινωνήσει μαζί μου.
  17. It has no reason to keep bumping a thread here, Nikos won't see it. Try pms, try msn. End of case.
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