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Everything posted by Blane

  1. It seems you're having fun here, huh? ;D
  2. I had the API and the domain.I wish I had a good host, to open my uploading site.Short links (due to the domain), nice and easy to use (like TP) platform.Damn it :@ Btw, stop advertising other links.PB will do the work for now, or you should find an other one using... GUESS WHAT? google -.-"
  3. Cleared all your shit. When commenting, just be serious.This is not a spam section. @MD, @unqART, @magaki13 : Stop spamming here, getting off-topic and speaking greek in an english board/topic. * IDC who started it. Now, regarding the template.When designing, just keep in mind that you have to have a content area.In your template the only content area I see is this blue-to-purple gradient.Sorry for saying so, but this can't be considered as a content area AND it's a gradient (can't be coded to hold more content than the height of this box). Keep practicing.
  4. Avoid bumping your topic after an hour or so.Bumps are allowed after 24 hours.Also avoid double-posting.There's an edit button in each of your reply (a button actually with name "modify"). Αφού το ξέρεις, μην ποστάρεις. /locked Thanks
  5. Focus on criticizing just the server.Nothing else, nothing more.Spam discussions have been deleted. Thanks.
  6. CSC, HTLM... χμμ Άστο καλύτερα.. μην το παιδεύεις τσάμπα..
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv6vU_olNWQ&feature=player_embedded This was the last I liked before a couple of months.It's not a new one, but I like it ;D
  8. Every user can say his opinion.Don't ever report for such reasons again.
  9. Magic. What do you mean...? Filled the background using Healing Brush on Content-Aware mode.
  10. Well I suppose it's about the site itself and not facebook.I mean the site will check if the guest clicked "Like", if.. if.. if.. and then via an conditional statement will give the "gift" to the guest. Sorry if I understood something wrong.
  11. Nahh, motion blur was the first step of making this effect.Anyway there are several ways of doing it, but this is not the point of this topic.
  12. Έλα μην τον αποπαίρνεις.Αν του μιλήσεις για αρχεία .sh μπορεί και να κλατάρει και με το δίκιο του. Φιλαράκο ξαναδές τι ακριβώς χρειάζεσαι γιατί μάλλον λες κουταμάρες...
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