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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Αν δεν κάνω λάθος έχει να κάνει με το αν το group είναι secret κτλ.Αυτό μπορείς να το ελέγξεις από τις ρυθμίσεις της ομάδας.
  2. Φίλε μου, όντως δεν υπάρχει λόγος να κάνεις τους ίδιους οδηγούς, μονάχα με κάποιες εικόνες παραπάνω.Αν θες, ωστόσο να συμβάλεις στον οδηγό, μπορείς απλά να παραθέσεις τις εικόνες σου με μια απάντηση στον οδηγό.Δεν μπορώ να πω ότι έχεις "spamάρει" ιδιαίτερα, αν εξαιρέσεις απαντήσεις τύπου: και κάποια "thx" posts.Απλά, θερμή παράκληση από 'δω και πέρα, να μην ξαναγράφεις ίδια πράματα και να αποφεύγεις απαντήσεις όπως αυτή που έβαλα. Για τους υπόλοιπους: Πολύ ντόρος για το τίποτα.Ηρεμία. @Erol: He's fine. Topic locked.
  3. Well, it's not our issue if every single member wants to open a server.It's certainly your responsibility if you join a failed server.So, your argument is invalid. Thanks for suggesting though.We all know, the current situation with failed servers. Locked.
  4. Έχουμε link για το ματσάκι παιδιά;
  5. Well, if you can prove that the files are yours, then it's under your command.I mean, we could junk the topic but if the user wants, he could easily rip your pack, so that no-one understands it.So, then, you should call a lawyer or something. Personally, I understand, this is your work and you don't want to be shared, but we need some proofs in order to junk the topic.And believe me, a picture is not a proof.We also, can't see private messages (that's why they called private), so we need more proofs. Thanks for reporting though.We hate rippers.
  6. I'm saying, I don't have problem either.I would prefer though, voting since I don't have time to re-design a tag... :/
  7. C'mon, it's not mercy...I'm just bored to see all this madness.I don't care anyway.If you want vote, vote, if you want battle, battle. :)
  8. Ok w/e I could take the 2nd position and Helish the first.
  9. C'mon, don't make such noise for this one... Just vote...
  10. Too much noise on the focal... :/
  11. If you dislike the whole situation gtfo. Thanks :) No reason.You can have one account to use.Since you will destroy it with your posts in some time, it will end up banned again. Glad to see you around.
  12. Please, don't make me post the result from University of Crete :D
  13. It seems you're not running php in your server. Could you also include your script_config.php?
  14. I just wanted to join the first SOTW of MXC. ;D I still care for the karma.It's important anyway... (not)
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