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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Thanks everybody. It's a difficult and stressed period of my life, the one I'm livin' right now. Well, nothing more to say. See you all. Thanks again.. Blane
  2. It would turn up in a flame war. It's a usual case. You know, because of some people around here, we can't have a normal conversation about football in Greece. So, please avoid such topics. Thanks.
  3. Watch out your trades next time. Community got warned. Topic locked.
  4. He's not that BIG spammer. I just love second chances, so I won't do something right now, except a warning. If he continues, please report him again. Thanks locked.
  5. Ναι, κοίτα στο 3ο έτος εξειδικεύεσαι ;)
  6. PC... :/ Programming, Hardware etc..
  7. Αυτό είναι η θεωρία. Παραλλαγή αυτού μας έβαλε... (να το κάνουμε μόνοι μας :Ο)
  8. Το σημερινό θέμα (Datapath) :D
  9. ΠΕΡΑΣΑ ΤΟ 1ο ΜΑΘΗΜΑ (και το πιο δύσκολο) ΛΟΓΙΚΑΑ!!!!!! ^_^
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=SJ1Ug7mV12Y&feature=related ΠΑΩΩΩΩ!
  11. That's almost same with my bussinesscard, except mine is multicolor with some effects in background :P Great. Nice one mate ;)
  12. Blane


    1) Install it directly to your hard-drive. 2) Boot it from cd/usb. 3) Run it virtually. 3 options for you. I'd select the first one, and the option to format/delete windows for evah! :) EDIT: Oh and btw, there's backtrack 4 if I'm not wrong...
  13. All ok. Well the basic topic of the collection could stay there, since no website is actually shared in the topic itself.
  14. Αύριο έρχομαι Κότσο! 9:30 θα πατάω Κρήτη! ;D
  15. Btw τι άντρας θα 'σαι αν δεν γυρίσεις μετά τις 6 στο σπίτι; Μερικά νιάνιαρα, και ξέρουν ποια να μαζευτούν γιατί η πολύ ψευτομαγκιά φαίνεται. Καλό το τοπικ πάντως. Γέλασα..
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