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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Αδιάφορο. Πραγματικά, τσάμπα ασχολείσαι ;-)
  2. Τρέχει κάτι με κάποιον άλλον ex-blue ρε παιδιά; Μιλάτε ξεκάθαρα Πεμπτιάτικο...
  3. link + test account παρακαλώ. Σε πμ.
  4. Που τον θυμήθηκες δαύτον..ποοο
  5. gentle gentle, όχι μαλάκας..
  6. Αν του αλλάξει την παν**για ναι..
  7. Μην την ψάχνεις. Όποιος είναι να φύγει, θα φύγει ^_^
  8. Ε, ο κύριος στο επόμενο dekarma θα φάει ban. Θέλω να πω, αν έχει -4/+1 ειναι στο -3. Κοιτάμε το συνολικό... Στο -4 (δεν υπάρχει αυτόματο σύστημα ή κάτι αντίστοιχο) σημαίνει ότι στην επόμενη μαλακία είναι εκτός..
  9. Ναι καμένο μου πλάσμα. Πρέπει κάποιος να έχει -4 (ΝΑ ΕΧΕΙ) για να φάει ban.
  10. Well, we had to modify the interface of the regular Iterator<String> in order to archive IterDouble which is pointless indeed. The point of this new iterator is, when we say collection.next() to output the string twice instead of once. But that was the easiest part. The problem was with generic types, sets, hashmaps and all these crappy collections of java's framework. We had to make a library, a cd store and some other stuff which are completely ridiculous... but what can I say... it was an exam eventually.. I had to pass it.
  11. When it comes to theoretical part, I hate it ;D Anyway, I'll go sleeping now, cause I'm reaaally tired... Cya all..
  12. Erol (+11/-7) JiZ (+0/-2) - stop advertising it everywhere and in wrong places. In topic Yesterday at 02:04:19 AM And it's right as far as I check it. So, please, think before you post.
  13. Well, they were waaaay difficult, but I tried some of them. It's more theories about OOP, than Java itself. In case anyone knows, I got to write HashMaps, Sets and other various collections from Java Collection Framework, had to rewrite an IterDouble class (extended from regular Iterator class of java) and other stuff, which are considered as the most difficult part in java language. I tried.. but dunno, I'll wait for results..
  14. naaaah, just came back from java exams -.-"
  15. διάβαζα ρε απλά όχι με τόση προσοχή -.-
  16. Μάνα μου! Δώστε πόνο ρε! @Finito: Ηράκλειο > Βαρκελώνη. QQ.
  17. He posted it in Greek section at frist place. So he might needs answers in Greek. Topic stays there. Rest done.
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