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Everything posted by Blane

  1. You mean the logo right? You can't read it?
  2. I'm really curious to hear some c&c about my latest design... Serious replies only! Thanks :)
  3. Just links are disallowed. End of matter.
  4. Macs are simple.You'll get used to it, you'll love them.Generally, programming, designing and such operations are more effective and can be well worked in mac os.If you're a gamer, then don't even think of buying one.I hate following the latest releases of games and play them, so yeah I don't really care for games.The games I'm playing are compatible with Snow Leopard OS.So yeah that's it.If you want to ask something more, just do it.
  5. It's awesome man.You could improve the text, but generally, it's the best effort I see since a lot time now...
  6. It's more than tragic...
  7. As I said to you via msn, it's just a new wannabe mxc.
  8. Pure shares.There's no need to merge them.
  9. Μόνο στην ιδέα ότι το δοκιμάζουν όλοι, ΛΙΩΝΩ! ΚΛΑΙΩ!
  10. Ξεφύγατε πάλι από το θέμα. Φίλε μου ρώτα/στείλε mail στη γραμματεία σου για να είσαι σίγουρος.Διαφέρει από τμήμα σε τμήμα αν δεν απατώμαι.
  11. It's awesome.You could give us some more time, presenting the boxes with the classes (some more time in these boxes could be great).Also in the end of the video the music's so loud and "heavy" for the whole drama scene.But generally, you've done a great job.I like it. :) Btw, do we have the release date of the game & some infos maybe?
  12. -1 for spamming.This is not just for this post but generally, stop spamming or you'll end up banned. Thanks.
  13. Be sure I can help you with all the interface issues ;) Thanks for including me in the list too.I hope you could make a mac version too xD
  14. Blane


    Flame replies deleted, Revenger chat-banned for 2 days (flaming again -.-, αμάν ρε Αντώνη, αμάν).GOST will return when ED is back. /locked.
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