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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Amazing (excluding the right side of the text, which could be a bit brighter). Gj
  2. A friendly advice : The last fractals behind the text, were not needed, if you ask me. Good one though ;) Keep it up! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Dunno why.. Unlocked anyway.
  4. Thing is that I can judge Noble's answer as inappropriate and off-topic.Through this I could smite him, close the topic, even ban him, instead of answering.I answered to make him understand that he has to respect some things for the next period of his e-life here, instead of trying to find a reason to report me (or anybody). My decision is final.I could ban him, smite him or do w/e I wished.For now, I'll shut it, hoping he'll change mind in the near future. Topic locked.If Maxtor wants to.He can ban me. Bye fellas.
  5. Get serious. You've talked about groups, you've talked about me dividing the members into thieves and good guys, you've said that I try to threat members.All those things, are showing disrespect to me and the staff too.The whole case started with a god damn image I made in photoshop, which helped you find a reason to start this madness. Now listen to me carefully.I have the right to answer you, I have the right to ban you, I have the right to do anything, since I find it inappropriate for the page I moderate.Do you want me to speak like a dictator? Have I ever shown any dictator-behavior? No. Now close your mouth.Learn to respect the staff of the website you're spending your time.Disrespect leads to a ban. End of case. There should be a reason though.
  6. Ok, to end with this game, cause you made me sick already. Tell me exactly what I did wrong.Show me what part was wrong.Then I'll act.
  7. Yeah, bring the revolution if that is what you want.Only "Che" is missing right now.
  8. You've changed dear "uncle".And this topic proves it much more than anything. It's a shame...
  9. Go on, ban me. (or try to..) I won't even bother answering to ALL those things you've tried to prove.You're just wasting my time, proving once again that you're a selfish guy trying to turn everybody against us (or me w/e).Now, put it in your mind: "Case is closed!". Bye.Do w/e you want.I won't junk the topic, as I don't have something to hide. But a lock is needed, since you have a big mouth, showing disrespect with every single post.
  10. You're pathetic. A badge is a piece of art.The category which is posted is right.Also the purpose of this badge is not the one you have in your mind.I hope you could understand but it seems you try to mess up everything.A funny badge, some pixels, has nothing to do with any idea or hidden effort to scare or threat members.Wake up from your dream-world.Come to reality and try to think as a normal human being, not a "nickname-legend-persona". That's all.
  11. Damn.These are night-designing side effects.
  12. Blue has a meaning though. ;D
  13. Got some inspiration and I wanted to test something.This lil' guy came up in the end... No one is gonna escape! Muhahahah! What do you think? ;D Use it if you're in the Staff.If you're not, you're gonna be dekarmed and banned.Thanks ;D
  14. Blane

    HB ED !

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUDYD9ZulHQ HB BRO!
  15. Μπορώ να δω κανά επεισόδιο online γιατί βαριέμαι να τα κατεβάζω;
  16. Missing free time and imagination through holidays.I'll do something for sure, when is the deadline? 1-2 days? Maybe?
  17. This topic has been moved to Junkyard Posts. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=169074.0[/iurl]
  18. A site and a launcher? Hmm, not a bad idea.
  19. Signature is amazing. You could give some more brightness/glow (dunno exactly what) to the crosses, and take care of the text (it could be better), but generally it's great. Gj.
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