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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Posting site names it's not illegal.Sharing warez is illegal. Good work for both k4rma and maduser. -Blane
  2. Smoking can hurt you only after 10 years of smoking.This is sure from scientists. I am a sm0k3r and my dick is 56cm XDDDD Kiddin' Relax whit the smoking...It's not good nor healthy, but it's not that harmful ;) -Blane
  3. More info : www.simplemachines.org (or com I don't remember...) Good Job Maxtor.What about the threads we have posted before some days about some forum updates?Could you check them please? Thanks in advance and once again...Good work!Keep it up ;) -Blane
  4. simple user... like old time...XD just kiddin'
  5. Official Smoker Since 2001 As I Remember - W E E D - Tried once.Never again. I still can cut it off but I don't want to.I am in the 3rd class of high school and cigarettes help me to decrease the stress :P. In any case I suggest everyone not to smoke ;) Remember my words, -Blane
  6. Blane

    [L2 Crime]

    Ridicules... Lineage ][ it's a game. Life is Life. What does it mean you "Pure" respect?Respect of a person who killed an enemy in-game?Respect of a man who's life is game?Respect of a jerk? And that's an other reason which guide us to HAVE A DAMN FUCKING LIFE! That's all I have to say, -Blane
  7. <3 Metallica <3 Cliff <3 The Band <3 All Albums Heavy Metal = What Metallica does! FUCK YEAH! Metallica 4tw.Keep up ;) -Blane
  8. Downloading, I will edit the post later! If this works, you have a +1 from me! -Blane
  9. I didn't ever have such problem.Anyway good work mate. Keep it up ;) -Blane [Title & Post Fixed in some points ;)]
  10. The thing is that many games are getting stolen in the last years.I personally think that's this in normal.In fact money guide them all. Now we shall wait for an other company to publish L3? XD -Blane
  11. hahahah Good one nice.But move the topic to the right Thread.YOUTUBE Thread ;) -Blane
  12. It has nothin' to do with an upgrade or something... Maybe it's about the internet connection...I am not sure though. Which version of CS:S non-steam you're using? -Blane
  13. Blane

    Vote please!

    John and I are planning great things for the site.Just be patient. [Lock Topic Please] -Blane
  14. Blane

    Vote please!

    There's only one thing to say... Prepare for a new change in the era of greek sites... [i don't want to give more details as I will have to answer all the people at msn.When I announce the opening, all of you are invited to my forum.Please don't ask me due pm or anything(I am getting 24 pm's god damn it!).] More details from mSn. -Blane
  15. Blane

    Vote please!

    Yes we have decided for the VPS.In fact we are going to buy a vBulletin Licence tomorrow and then the site will open :) :) -Blane EDIT: Voting Locked.Thanks for your attention!
  16. Blane

    Vote please!

    It won't be in Greece for sure.We are going to buy a decidated or a VPS. VPS is a dedicated server which contains ram,bw and many things but the CPU is equal share with other pc's. It's cheaper and in MANY MANY case better than dedi. Also I can find the money with my friend EzEraL and finally buy the dedicated but if we spend less money with the host then we can make maybe a better , a really better, site. What do you think? We might look for a VPS, but vote. -Blane
  17. Blane

    Vote please!

    No threats here.Thanks! Dedicated is good but it costs much per month and I am not sure If I'm able to give them.By the way do you know what a virtual private server (VPS) exactly is? I still wait for your proposals! ^^ -Blane
  18. Blane

    Vote please!

    Hello folks! I am planning to re-open my old site (www.CrazyLoads.com) and I need to know what to buy.I used to have a VPS but now I am considering again what would be better.So what are the needs of site which contains the following : - A full of people forum (vB). - Many online games (Flash Games) for the users. - A Chat Java Client. - A tracker. - An Image Uploading Site. - A file uploading site for the premium users and staff. - A Blog. - A Mail System. I know that I need around 1000Gb's of PREMIUM bandwidth and some good disk usage. So... - A dedicated server is too expensive... :/ - A VPS is always a good solution but it's ok? - A simple web-hosting account is enough? Vote Please! Thanks for your attention! -Blane
  19. No need to prove anything guys. Nothing of this can happen.Microsoft has MANY MANY MANY servers and there's no need to worry about. Stay in peace. Scammers are the biggest nQQbs. -Blane
  20. //off topic Κρίμα, ειλικρινά.Τα ενδιαφέροντα των ανθρώπων πάντως δεν μπορούν να αλλάξουν από τη μια μέρα στην άλλη.Όπως και να έχει εγώ θα σου συνιστούσα να μην τον πουλήσεις καθώς παίζει και να τον χρειαστείς κάποτε.Ένας Η/Υ ποτέ δεν είναι άχρηστος.Και μένα παιδιά αρχίζουν να αλλάζουν τα ενδιαφέροντά μου, αλλά σίγουρα αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι θα κόψω την ηλεκτρονική παρέα, τις ατέλειωτες συζητήσεις σε διάφορα ώριμα και μη φορουμς, κάτι που συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα και στον φίλο μου Anni.Δεν είναι ανάγκη ρε συ να κόψεις πάσα επαφή με τον Η/Υ :) . Εν τέλει επειδή δεν θέλω να γίνομαι φορτικός, οι επιλογές είναι δικές σου και καθαρά δικές σου.Κανένας δεν πρόκειται να σου αλλάξει γνώμη επειδή το θέλει ο ίδιος.Εγώ όσα είπα σε αυτό το τοπικ είναι η άποψή μου και το καλύτερο πιστεύω για σένα.Όπως και να έχει εμείς θα είμαστε εδώ να σε στηρίζουμε στις επιλογές σου, έτσι δεν είναι παιδιά; //on topic Δυστυχώς κατέχω ένα αντίστοιχο μηχάνημα ως laptop και μπορώ να πω πως είμαι πλήρως ευχαριστημένος :).Αν μου έκανες την ίδια πρόταση σε 8 μήνες από τώρα (ίσως και κάτι παραπάνω λόγω οικονομικού...) θα ενδιαφερόμουν :) Καλή τύχη με ότι κάνεις φίλε μου ;) -Blane
  21. Both fake and meanless.We received that e-mail before a long time ago... It's fake.This is fake too. -Blane ^^
  22. Εμμ, ναι ρε συ, είναι αρκετά τα λεφτά που λες.Έκανα μια σύνθεση στο e-shop.gr και βγήκε γύρω στα 1200.Ακριβώς τα ίδια έβαλα εκτός του κουτιού... Μήπως έχεις γράψει λάθος στο πρώτο ποστ; Κάτι άλλο...γιατί βρε αγόρι μου ξεκόβεις τελείως; Τί σου κάνανε να τους ξεσκίσω; ΧD -Blane
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