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Everything posted by Blane

  1. +1 Karma! Good work.Some of them are doubled.Be sure to edit the post ;) Also be careful to your signature.It's against the rules ;) -Blane
  2. Blane

    About me..

    Not being a talent in a game doesn't mean that you are not a good and active member.Try being more serious and keep a good profile as far as spam and things.Just try to make new shares, look if you can be in cs(you spoke about L2,WoW :)).You don't have to be a WEIRDO (for me you're not but ok...) to have respect in a forum. Remember my words, I had my own moments too. -Blane
  3. Search the forum.I won't help you and that's has to be an example for all members in this section.Do NOT ask for things if you don't search the forum first. *TOPIC LOCKED*
  4. I wanna design a very very very very very good logo for my clan.The name of the clan is Excessive Menace.If anyone here can make a logo which contain the following : EXCESSIVE MENACE or eM (The first is better) multigaming clan since 2007 It's a counter-strike clan at the most but ok if anyone has any idea post here ;) Ty BLane
  5. Contact him in msn ;) wut!
  6. First choice for you is Linux.The best and the most stable OS in the world for me.I suggest Ubuntu version. Second choice is Win XP Sp3 which is stable and bugless too as far as I know. And third choice is Win Vista Sp1.(I suggest to avoid it ;)) -Blane
  7. Use fraps to do this.Configuring the program is too easy. ;) -Blane
  8. Yep, I don't see it... -.-' It's online now -.-
  9. Ε ναι ρε k4rma...δηλαδή έλεος...δεν μπορεί...τόσες πηγές έχεις :) -Blane
  10. Thx! Όποιος βρει κάποιο e-bOok ας το ποστάρει εδώ ! ^^ -Blane
  11. K4rma εγώ ψάχνω PHP βιβλίο στα ελληνικά.Έχω βρει χιλιάδες βιβλία στο ιντερνετ αγγλικά.Αν μου βρεις ελληνικό για PHP(ψάχνω και για HTML/CSS) σε παραδέχομε :) Στείλε pm αμα είναι :) -Blane
  12. Bah... I cannot really say it's working.Maybe it's only for MySpace.com.I used it somewhere( can't say where :P ) and it was not working.So...hmmm keep testing :P -Blane
  13. Already karma point given.Really good share for the section. I don't really want to listen radio when I'm playing cause in counter-strike the n1 thing and the most important is to hear the footsteps.Also if I'm not wrong your fps would fall when you're using bandwidth for this radio thingie :) The things I told before don't make the share useless ;) It's a really good share. GJ ;) -Blane
  14. As they say the problem is fixed now.I made my server steamed and now no one has problems... Thanks for the +.We have a duty as cs moderators to give as much information as we capable of :) -Blane
  15. VALVE UPDATE 22/10/2008 [iNFO , PROBLEMS & SOLUTION!] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok I saw some complains in many forums, I had pms, many people asked me in msn.I didn't know but now I learned some things and I want to write them here.Everyone who has a problem with the client and stuff shall read the whole topic! - The beginning of the "FAIL". We all know that valve has created counter-strike, the favorite game, of all ages.Valve is an organization of people.They are making updates.That was the reason of the yesterday's failure.So...before some hours -in fact at 02:00(GMT+2)- Valve has made an update to counter strike.That update was so fast and we all surprised!We couldn't connect to any server and we blame VALVE for it. - We were a bit wrong. As I said VALVE is a huge company.We can't blame them for a little update.So what they did was that they changed the protocol of the clients so no one could connect to any non-updated server.What was the problem? The servers were not updated and no one could connect because the server had protocol 47 and the client 48. - The solution! The major problem was that.After 4 hours searching in the net, finally the solution came from VALVe.The noob engineers found that they didn't share something (a patch or...) for the poor people.So they shared a new thing which called SteamWorks Beta and can be found and downloaded from the urls I have at the end of this topic.So...download this and try to play again. - The Revolution of Non-Steam! Of course non-steam users have no problems on that.They didn't update their client so they can play in the non-updated servers.When all the servers are updated then a new patch would be released and the non-steam users will have again access to the game.So yes...keep playing free and stay to the pub...we want this! :) - The Update Content And something else.The mwheelup feature for the "Silent Running" works fine and you just have to hit ctrl faster.Aslo the avatars in the scoreboard...I didn't see anything like this in the update... :/ - Links 1) www.steampowered.com/news/1921/ 2) www.valvesoftware.com/news.php 3) http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=720337 4) www.google.com (for helping me out..) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many of the people complain about the cs:s like new features.I am a part of them.I don't agree about all these stuff and I want cs back.In fact I don't think that VALVE could bring an update back...I really think this is a big fault for a company and they will lose many customers...But...it's their fault.Update shouldn't be there...GO PLAY CS:S if you don't like... :@ Anyway I don't want to continue on this...I didn't like the update but I like that I am capable of playing again cs after 10 hours :) -Blane
  16. Οκ εγώ μένω εδώ. Ας έχει ο καθένας την γνώμη του.Εγώ ό,τι είχα να πω το πα.Αφήστε με τώρα γιατί έχω εκνευριστεί με την Valve :@ -Blane
  17. Αν μου πεις ότι εσύ, και όσοι έχουν πει ΥΠΕΡ (στην πλειοψηφεία τους τουλάχιστον) πατάν στην παρέλαση, ε πέφτω από το μπαλκόνι...
  18. Oops. Soz k4rma :P @On Topic : I prefer ESWC Gui XD
  19. It has the online IP and someone can play in your server by writing in the console : connect your.online.ip.goes.here:27015 .You should open 27015 port first. Don't speak Greek next time.Only english are allowed here ;) -Blane
  20. Μ' αρέσει που λέτε όλοι... "να τιμήσουμε αυτούς που πολεμούσαν κλπ κλπ μπλα μπλα μπλααα".Νιώστε το! Δεν υπάρχει παράδοση ΔΥΣΤΥΧΩΣ με τα σημερινά δεδομένα.Ο μόνος λόγος που γίνεται η παρέλαση είναι για να ξυθούν οι καθηγητές και να λιώσουν σε καμιά καφετέρια (ή ακόμη χειρότερα σε ένα internet cafe) οι μαθητές. Έχουμε ξεφτιλιστεί πλήρως...Πάρτε το χαμπάρι... -Blane
  21. Blane


    1. OTE : Σε αυτόν στηρίζονται όλες έτσι κι αλλιώς. 2. Forthnet : Αξιόπιστη εταιρία σχετικά με τα πάντα αν και έχει πολύ κακό service. 3. On Telecoms : Η δικιά μου.Μην σας παραξενεύει που την έχω 3η.Την εκτιμώ περισσότερο από τις άλλες.Το home office, απλά χύνει! (40€= Ιντερνετ 16mb Download 1mb Upload, Cable TV , Απεριόριστη τηλεφωνία σε εσωτερικό,εξωτερικό και 60 λεπτά στα κινητά.Τηλεφωνητές, σταθερές IP και πολλά.Αλλά το καλύτερο : Ταχύτατο service αφού εξυπηρετεί μόλις 2500 πακέτα σε όλη την Ελλάδα!) Αυτααααααααά, -Blane
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