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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Blane


    I have seen it in an internet cafe in my neighborhood.It's good but as I said browser games do not attract me in any way.I keep playing flash games around the net ^^ -Blane
  2. Blane

    Saw 5

    In fact yes, if we compare it 1,2 were better than the last 3.But I still dislike these filmz :P -Blane
  3. Blane

    Saw 5

    Hmm, it sucks for me.There's no scaring file that's good for me.I keep seeing them and I still don't like them.. -bLANE
  4. Blane

    World News

    Hmm. www.msn.com www.google.com www.in.gr [Greek] -Blane
  5. Blane

    {GR}Radio Jet

    Έχεις και την δική μου καλή επιτυχία :) Αφού σου δίνουμε θάρρος 2 ραδιοφωνικοί παραγωγοί :P, μπορείς να καταφέρεις τα πάντα ;) Go for it CrazyLoads is with you ;) -Blane
  6. 1. Χρήσιμο guide μπράβω! 2. Εμ, όχι αλλά κάπως έτσι :).Συγκεκριμένα μπορείς ψάχνοντας στην διεύθυνση : http://whatismyip.com να βρεις το ΙΡ σου.Δίνοντάς το σε άλλους, μπορούν, πληκτρολογώντας στην μπάρα του browser : http://your.ip.goes.here.asdf να μεταφερθούν στον σταθμό σου στον οποίο θα πρέπει να έχεις ανεβάσει το listen.pls που θα μπορουν να κατεβάζουν και να σε ακούνε.Μπορείς αν θες να κάνεις και κάποιο σκριπτάκι για να παίζει η σελίδα σου(με την ΙΡ σου) κατευθείαν μουσική κάτι που όμως δεν συνιστώ καθώς θα χρειαστείς, εκτός του server του ραδιοφώνουν, Apache και ένα προγραμματάκι που θα σε βοηθήσει να ανεβάσεις την σελίδα σου(π.χ XAMP). Ήμουν κατατοπιστικός νομίζω, -Blane
  7. 8x³-6x=1 Όποιος την λύσει μόνος του τον παραδέχομαι.Η επίλυση απαιτεί μόνο χρήση γνώσεων 2ας Λυκείου. Ευχαριστώ -Blane
  8. Blane


    BrowserGames? Ffs I'm just searching for flash games to kill my time.Browsergames need time and have no time lately :( -Blane
  9. Nice one but look the following too: http://www.satanion.dk/cs/gui.html Here you can download many more GUI's to make cs look better and having ready built-in options for the best gameplay.These GUI's are created by pros for everyone.It will improve your talents for sure. Nice topic k4rma ;) -Blane
  10. Good work Anni.Really impressing jobs. I don't want to keep your nerves up.If you don't have much time there's no need to make mine ;) Relax, take it easy.I am ok, this period I am not here that much as in crazyloads working so fucking hard. Buddy if you don't have time then there's no need to push you make me a sig ;) That's from me, -Blane
  11. Really funny thing :) Just read it... :P -Blane
  12. Καλή τύχη φίλε μου, το crazyloads.com θα είναι στο πλευρό σου ;) -Blane
  13. It's heaton, isn't he? XD OMG he's owning!
  14. I am talking with sufferwounds and yes, religion has to do with the alien theory. :) -Blane
  15. I don't really care If I offend someone.I said what I believe.I don't care.Don't read them, I am not pushing anyone to believe in nothing or to change religion.Everyone is free to choose. @XxRxX : In fact I am not sure if they're stronger but it's sure that there's something out there.I said SoOoOo many things for sufferwounds who's reading the bible and he thinks he knows everything.Get a Life ! Suffer you started flaming.I insist on what I said.Nothing more, nothing less. -Blane
  16. Ok it's time to give an end. Here we go.First of all who said I believe in Jesus? Religion is something that helps people reacting somehow and get them to think that there's somebody up there who's owning or something.I will not believe in nothing, despite of what Church and Rome order me to do.I am a free man and I don't want nobody to order me.I am independent.NOTHING controls my thoughts.If the dear God exists then he has to come here and tell me, yes believe in me, I am the One.Having no clues, you can't force me to think about something or, more seriously, to believe in it. Secondly, about the dear Mayas.Nobody said that Mayas weren't an advanced civilization.So what?They helped us to reach somewhere?Is the TODAY situation the best?Mayas WERE good but in the past.They're nothing now and why can you be sure that they will be advanced till today?Now about the diary thing.I have read more books than you, and believe me, reading the bible doesn't help you on something.I will refer to It(the caps crap for the bible).Why you're sure that the diary belongs to Mayas?Ok it has predicted some things that did happened but it's not scientifically approved that a FUCKING DIARY can decide our fortune. Thirdly.You talked about the bible.You know what is it?Ok, I don't believe, as I said, in the Jesus but I have an idea for the whole world.Our Galaxy has symmetry.Symmetry is something that Nature can't create.It's something that comes from an outside source.I can't know this source but it's something, it's force, it's aliens, who knows anyway?That's the only thing I believe for now.As far as the Christianity and the whole Jesus things, despite that in my identity it says : Christian Orthodox, I don't believe at all!I am Greek and we all know many stories from Greece.My opinion about the Bible and Saint Paul is that he was the most smart person I ever knew.IMO he created the bible and all the facts and things that bible contains are coming from his head.He was smart.He created a new religion.If you read some history about the times Jesus born you can find many things about the Religions and the what people thought there.They were easy to get a new religion.Easy to love a God and believe in him.As far as the other facts of the bible I believe they are just lies and you can get it too when you compare all the facts with the Greek Mythology and the Greek history.I won't continue on this cause I will fall out of the main case. Fourthly and the main theme of this answer-like text is Aliens.Ok I see, you are watching TV(Chardabelas XD) and you think that Aliens exists.Well as I said YOU believe is some pictures and NOBODY from here believes you as you can see cause what you say, is worthless and have no logical basement.You see UFO's and things and YOU believe on these crap cause you and everybody who's not open minded are just hearing other's opinion and you eat them without thinking first.SHOW ME A GOD DAMN FACT and I will believe you.YOU BELIEVE IN BOOKS or IN PICTURES? COME TO REALITY!!! Life is not that long to spare it for some damn people who are scaring to live, scaring the unknown and believing in something which hasn't been approved scientifically. -Blane
  17. Ok so? Can't believe these b***sh**ts.Clearly noway.I am a student of science and that's makes me believe only the things I see with my eyes.I don't care about Mayas and all this sh**t. Aliens do not exist.Pictures do exist.Can you believe in pictures? -Blane PS: Don't forget... Weirdo 2008 MxC XD :P
  18. It's dimension not demension ;) OnTOpic : Joined :) -Blane
  19. What's that? Give more information or the topic is closed. Thank you -Blane
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