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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Blane


    Could you send me the PHP Script to check it out? In pm, cause it's maybe illegal. -Blane
  2. Check this out and make a search in google.For sure you'll have to configure and perhaps install some components in your server machine (via SSH) and then you'll be ok. G0oGLe Is Ya FrIeNd br0 PS: Δεν έχω ιδέα γιατί μιλούσα αγγλικά νομίζω με κατάλαβες :) -Blane
  3. Yep, you'd be ok.But consider taking a 500w as it won't cost much more. -Blane
  4. Οκ, καλό, αν και γνωστό στους "Ασχολούμαι λίγο παραπάνω με το PC".Απλά φτιάξτο λίγο.Βάλε το TAG [GR] σωστά και βγάλε το hide.Δεν υπάρχει λόγος να είναι κάτι hidden στο Off-Topic section. -Blane
  5. Σ' λέω παίζει να έχει πρόβλημα η δικιά σου γραμμή και λογικά και η πολυκατοικία που μένεις.
  6. Μπορεί να μην υπάρχει συμβατότητα στην Οδό σου.Η να μην υφίστανται καλώδια για την κάλυψη 24άρας γραμμής. -Blane
  7. Hacker δεν σημαίνει φίλε InsanePlayer ότι παίρνεις πτυχίο κάπου και ότι ξέρεις μόνο συγκεκριμένα πράγματα.Δυστυχώς με τους αλματώδεις ρυθμούς της τεχνολογίας, είναι απαραίτητο το να μαθαίνουμε γνώσεις κάθε μέρα που περνά.Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι κανένας δεν μπορεί να αποκαλεί τον εαυτό του Hacker, μόνο και μόνο διότι ο Hacker πρέπει να είναι μετριόφρων :) Παρεμπιπτόντως το κειμενάκι γαμάτο με πολλά νοήματα :) -Blane
  8. I knew that and it's really helpful.I have many of those shortcuts :) There's also a way to run programs with CS. But, good one, it's really important to have it here! -Blane
  9. To xw, To xw, To xw, To xw, To xw, To xw, To xw! To piasa! Ton p**sti megalos einai :/ Ston apo katw to Mac Book Pro
  11. Απλά.Πληρώνεις.Σου Δίνουν Κωδικούς για Remote.Τέλος. Καλή επιτυχία, -Blane
  12. Easy for newbies and it's almost the same with Magaki's one. Anyway good job. -Blane
  13. Settings are fine? Try disabling firewall for some time and then re-enable it.Download latest version again and retry. Good Luck, -Blane
  14. I kinda dislike this fashion-trendy style names, but ok if it seems good to you, then I have no job on this :P How you made it? -Blane
  15. Δώσε κανα info περισσότερο, να ψάξουμε σαν άνθρωποι. Επίσης διόρθωσε τον τίτλο του θέματως.([GR][Help] ή κάτι τέτοιο) -Blane
  16. Ο,τι πεις. Βρες σωστά επιχειρήματα και μιλάμε πάλι. -Blane
  17. +1 On this. Soon I'll post a list of trustful sources.You can contribute too NAB. -Blane
  18. Thanks all guys! I will update it with more stuff when I have time.There's no same guide over the net so I decided here we can make a good topic about this stuff. UPDATE: How to add custom cursors! -Blane
  19. Ty bro! I'm really pissed off these days cause I was experimenting with all these staff and forced to Restore my system 2 times.So I think it's good for members who don't wanna risk their data :) -Blane
  20. Well heya all! Once again I have an inspiration for a guide, as the last 2 days I'm trying to modify my computer.This one will be short and fast, as I cannot write many things with just one hand (br0ke the other 3 days ago).I will be explainable I promise :) → The parts which are able to change are many but anyway I will say them below: - Boot Loader Screen - Vista Short Animation before Logon Screen - Logon Screen - Explorer - Sidebar - Cursors <-- NEW! - Wallpapers etc... First step is to delete TuneUpUtilities and restart your computer.(TUU is not accept new customized themes and that's not good) Secondly you should patch your system.For this you're going to need VistaGlazz(I'm givin' links at the end of the topic). When you install and open the program click on the first 2 icons so you first Patching your System and the patching your Themes.I think you can get over this you're not a noob. → Theme Patching your system is a really big deal.Now there are 2 types of themes you can download: a) .msstyles b) .themes If you have msstyles then you should also have a problem with name SHell and maybe a language folder.Make a new folder with a name same as the name of the .msstyle file.Example: "Let's say you download template.msstyle.You should make a folder with the name : Template , and it will include : en-US (or other language) folder and Shell folder.Copy the whole Template folder and paste it in : C:\Windows\Resources\Themes" Then go to the desktop, click right and go to "Personalize".Select "Theme" and you will see Aero, Classic duplicated.This is not a bug, but Vista doesn't let you make new themes.Now go back in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder, navigate through your custom style and double click on your downloaded .msstyle file.A new window will appear.In your selection it would be "Aero" but as I said up there, there's no problem.Just click Apply and VIOLA! your theme is installed! If it hasn't worked, try to repatch your system with VistaGlazz(First bring it to normal, then repatch it). → Boot Screen Again here we have 2 type of files which you can download. a) Downloading a "winload.exe.mui" If you want to use "winload.exe.mui" file, then you'll need to replace existing "winload.exe.mui" file present in "%windir%\System32\en-US" folder with your new one.First take permission of "winload.exe.mui" file present in "%windir%\System32\en-US" folder using following tutorial: [Click me] .Then just rename the original file to "winload.exe.mui.old" and then paste the one you downloaded.You're ready! b) Downloading a ".tbs" file If you want to use second file "VistaVG Seven Boot Screen for Vista.tbs", then you'll need Tuneup Utilities to apply it which is very safe and easy to use for this job.(More info at the end of this post) → Logon Screen Be careful as this one forced me to boot from Linux to safe my pc.Don't worry, I'll explain it all. Well most of the times you are going to download a .logonvista file but sometimes it may say something about LogonUI.exe.Well don't THINK ABOUT TOUCHING this file. + First Download LogonStudio from Stardock (It's free fellas!) + Navigate to where you installed it (Usually C:\Program Files\Stardock) + Delete the folder "skin" otherwise LogonStudio won't work + Open the program and learn to use it. (Easy environment for the user.You could make your own backgrounds too) → The little animation before Logon Screen This is pretty easy if you know what "Take Ownership" means.I explained up there. Now navigate through : C:\Windows\System32 and find a file with name "authui.dll".Take ownership of the file and rename it to "authui.dll.old".Then paste there your new "authui.dll" and you're ready! → Custom Cursors Download a cursor set from somewhere.You'll see some .inf file.Right click it and press install.Then go to Control Panel and Click on Mouse.There find were is the Cursor tab.Drop down the menu and find the selection.The selection will have the name of the .inf file.Select it and apply it.Done! Ok I think I explained it all.Below I give some links.Before you start to read them, I have to tell you that you have to make a simple Restart when you make a change in C:\Windows so it takes effect. → Link List www.google.com - For Further Help www.codegazer.com/vistaglazz/ - To download VistaGlazz www.stardock.com/products/logonstudio/ - To download Logon Studio www.askvg.com/add-take-ownership-option-in-file-folder-context-menu-in-windows-vista - Taking Ownership Of a File For further backup please post back and leave a comment for my time ^^ Best Regards, -Blane
  21. Ποιά λες ρε συ;
  22. He said exactly the same thing. -Blane
  23. MMORPG? I'm playing Left 4 Dead right now which is new too :) But I'll surly give a shot. -Blane
  24. [GR] Απλά να ξέρεις ότι δεν επιτρέπονται τα ελληνικά σε αυτήν την ενότητα.Με το πρόβλημά σου δεν ξέρω τι παίζει και καλό θα ήταν να το ξανακατεβάσεις από κάπου πιο σίγουρα από torrent, ή ακόμη και να το αγοράσεις.Πάντως κάτι φταίει με αυτό που κατέβασες.Για περετέρο πληροφορίες επικοινώνησε μαζί μου μέσω πμ ή απευθύνσου στον Hax0r ή στον NotABastard. [EN] Just explaining, that he shouldn't post in english and I gave some instructions on his problem.Topic Moved & Locked! -Blane
  25. GoOGLe is ya friend k4rma.Cannot post more than this now.I don't have time
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