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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Yep, sv_gravity (800 on normal) does pretty good job. It's really funny indeed. -Blane
  2. Sometimes, mozilla autorecognize favicons and show them. I'll give some more info for the more curious, if you don't mind LoStRe: - Favicon.ico or Favicon.gif,png ? .ico : This is the standard format of this little icon which appears in the address bar.It's supported from all famous and known browsers and a user should not have any problem with it.If you need to insert such an icon, then you need to write a code in the <head> tags: <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="/path/to/favicon.ico" /> .png : New programs, like photoshop, can use and edit images better in png format.That's how some users put their icon in png format.There's a little problem here.If you need to put this like .png, IE(The regural Internet Explorer) won't detect it sometimes.Other known browsers (ex. Mozilla Firefox ) will recognize it with no problem. BOTH : If you need to insert the png but have a backup ico file for the IE users, then you need to enter an if condition in your html code: <link href="/path/to/favicon.ico" rel="icon"/> <![if ! IE]> <link href="/path/to/favicon.png" rel="shortcut icon"/> <![endif]> You're done! Cheers, -Blane
  3. Good one, It's called shareware. :P -Blane
  4. Or you can just type in the console: con_color "COLOR CODE HERE" which changes the colour of the console (you know, the chat space).Colour codes are HTML RGB mode (ex. "255 255 255" -> White colour) Good idea though, -Blane
  5. K4rMa, thanks but I have my own sources too :) Sorry for being retard these 2 days, I have played a bit wow, when I was free, so I was not able to finish those 3 signatures.When I have some spare time I'll re-open the thread and you'll know it.I have received more than 20pms.I won't make any exclusions.If you catch the unlock, then fine.That's the purpose of the topic, and this golden rule keeps it fair for all. Cu soon! -Blane
  6. Blane

    help domain

    Nop.I don't think so. -Blane
  7. You should check also the DNS and stuff.Ask a technician of your ISP of what DNS you should have and ask them to tell you how to change them... If it's not DNS, then reinstall windows or jump from your balcony XD -Blane
  8. Το γάμ**σες. XD Τέσπα νομίζω πως ο φίλος δεν έχει ιδέα για τα προβλήματα που έχουν προκαλέσει στις γενικότερες συγκοινωνίες της χώρας.Αφορμώμενος από κάτι παροδικό, την είδε ότι και καλά πρέπει να γίνει και ανεξάρτητος. Άστο να πα στο διάλο ρε φίλε, άστο, -Βlane
  9. Παιδιά το γ**σατε το topic.Δεν είναι spam section εδώ έλεος. Locked μέχρι να γίνει η μεταφορά. Ας το μεταφέρει ένας mod. -Blane
  10. You unburried a 2 years old thread? OMG. /locked & Warned! -Blane
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46488 Move this to spam topic. -Blane
  12. Τι στο καλό; Το κάναμε ψυχολογικό κέντρο. :P -Blane
  13. Incredible server. When I made the website I thought to login but I didn't have the interlude client.Now I'm downloading :) -Blane
  14. Same.And if it's not working, try to contact with your ISP. -Blane
  15. Ok, we have the 3 winners for today! I lock the topic ( :-X ) till tomorrow! Time to play some wow :P Cheers, -Blane
  16. Ok.This is the last time I'm doing this.There are many members who want to request and it's not that fair to re-design sigs for some of you.I'll do it for Strike & magaki13, but not for any other in the future, till we finish with all (important) members. -Blane
  17. I'll give it a bump! :P Here's what I got: Dream: Imagination free...A brush war... Skillmaster: 3D Texts, for first time. Stefoulis15: Black & White are always my favs... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have already one sig request from Mafia. Awaiting... -Blane
  18. Free = Not sure , Low Quality , Bad Game Experience Official = Sure , Best Quality (What you pay, is what you get huh?), Best Gaming Experience. End of case. -Blane
  19. CS Pwns DOTA :P :P -Blane
  20. Both shits... Counter-Strike ftw! :P (If I dare to vote, I'd say WoW of course.) -Blane
  21. Blane


    Και 'γω που καπνίζω δεν μιλάω χοντρά.Δεν υπάρχει επιστημονικός τρόπος που να μην εμπεριέχει αλλαγή φωνητικών χορδών. -Blane
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