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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Yes they're free and all Open-Source. The first you should download is Wine :) Google it :) -Blane
  2. Solved.I'll post a guide soon!
  3. Thanks god, this OS saved me last night. I was making some modifications on Windows since I realized it was time to restart.The problem is that, being a Human, forced me to make a good mistake :).I replaced LogonUI.exe with one of mine, hoping the background will change, but I was wrong.Now windows are not able to boot as an Application Error comes up: LogonUI.exe - Application Error and some words here saying that the application could not be launched. So, I booted from Ubuntu (God helped me.I installed them before a week again) and now the problem is that I can't open C: drive and enable the .old file which will make windows launch again.There are the options: a) Force Mount the drive risking of losing data b) Try to boot from a LiveCD and make a System Restore (I still can't find that LiveCD from ACER or winVISTA) c) Format all! So, option C is obviously not the best, but I'm going to end there as I can't find a solution with a,b.I dunno how to force Mount in Ubuntu, I can't find how to.I can't find the LiveCD which will be able to Restore my system. Any Solution on this problem will be great :) -Blane
  4. From the Staff we're with you. :P But members don't hear us.So we get to punish, dekarma, ban users. That's all. Good topic I can tell if a member push others not to spam then they're going to give more attention huh? -Blane
  5. I've done this, but it does not seem to work... Perhaps I'm making something wrong... -Blane EDIT: To explain better.The main theme could be installed through a specific process as explained by magaki13.The problem is when you need to activate pre-made taskbars with files like browseui.dll.I still keep replacing it but it's not working.I'm also have a problem with Icon set.How could I change ALL icons at once?I have to do it one at a time... ? EDIT2: I handled it.Lock it.I'll sure make a guide for it :)
  6. I've currently found a good theme and I'd like to install it on Vista.Even if I'm searching for over 2 days in google and forums nothing has been found.I've patched my system (for those who don't know, vista has to be patched before it takes a theme), but I can't get the full theme to work.I mean one guy there, shared a browseui.dll which belong to System32 folder.Even if I replace it (It needs first to take ownership of the file etc...) the navigation bar which seems to be like Mac never show up.I'm really upset cause it's too beautiful theme and I can't get it to work! So, if anybody from here knows how to install themes with navigation bars (not only the main theme) or he has further knowledge on this case then please post here as fast as you can... Thanks in advance, -Blane
  7. Jolie god damn it :P Η κοπέλα είναι θεά.Τέλος :) -Blane
  8. Really good one for the newbies.Are you using Photoshop CS3, cause the CE versions doesn't seem to be a new one ;) -Blane
  9. You have one warning from me.Do not post "Thanks" "Ty" all the time and in all sections.Try to post when you need to. -Blane
  10. +1 Έχω το ίδιο πρόβλημα εδώ και καιρό.Απλά κολάει μέχρι να διαβάσει το μέγεθος του αρχείου σου. -Blane
  11. Thanks all guys. We all must do our best for the forum.To keep it clean.To keep it alive. -Blane
  12. Thanks my, I really appreciate it. We have to change the way newbies work.And this is my effort for this target :). -Blane
  13. Hello again! Short Info As my old guide didn't attract you, or I don't know what (I'm speaking for this one), I decided today to make a big guide just for all guys who are newbies to forum platforms and would like to know what the hell the other mean when they say : "Use Search Function First!".Ok I say again this is my guide and I didn't copy it from somewhere.Pictures are mine too taken from my computer.Also I don't intend to make any advertisement.As you can see all pictures are blured in all no-needed spots. Introduction Well you may know (or not) that many sites keep posts and threads with vary information you may wish to know.In order to view them, read them and some way learn them you should first find them.Now I can ensure you that almost all php (programming language) based sites have a feature called Search.With many ways, which will be explained below, you can search those sites and find your information.Some times Google, can help you through this but in this topic I won't explain how Google works, as I think EVERYBODY here knows how to use the Best search engine in the world.So, sounds difficult? Let's explain it better! What is Search? What are the Keywords? What the fields mean? Let's take it easy.Search (Αναζήτηση στα Ελληνικά) means the procedure which finds information for you.You simply write something you want to find and then the php takes control, searching the posts/topics for you and then it shows you the Search results.To be more specific I'd like to show you some tips on search and explain with more detail what all the fields can do: ► The main Search field: In this field you actually type what you want to search. ex. "Lineage2 Exploit" | I have to say that in some forums like vBulletin or Invision Power Board, the words you type may are not available for search.To make you understand it better, your words should not be less than 3 characters.This term is used in many forums and believe it or not, it helps your search.That's because a 3 characters long search term will be found in many posts and the results may not match your needs. ► Search by Author: Ok this one is more, let's say, complicated.If you know the person who posted the desirable information you search for, you can search the site by submitting the "Author Name".Then the site will search the whole forum to and will find the posts/threads from the guy you typed in.Note: Not in all forum platforms, but some of them, do want you to write the name exactly as it is.That means, that if you type one letter wrong, the results you want won't show up. ► Search with Boards: This feature is for more professional searchers.If you're sure that your post is under a specific board then you can type not only the Keywords (explained in the first "►") but the board name too.In many platforms you could tick the boards you want and the site will search ONLY in those boards.So be careful using this feature. Ok I'm ready! Show me! ◊ SMF SMF forums are greatly used today.This is because they're free and stable too, in my opinion.I have to say they have a good search function which is too easy to be used and which many of you don't know how to.For this example I am taking screenshots from this forum. → Press "Search" Button.This sounds easy and it is.In any forum the position of this button has to do with the template/theme is used.It won't be difficult believe me.Search buttons are often in a high good place so everyone could read them. → When you press it, wait for the page to load and then you'll see something like the below picture.I have edited the picture so (zoom if you need to) you can understand which field is for what. → Except from the "Search for:" field, the other options are optional and if you don't edit them your search will work again. ◊ vBulletin vBulletin is for me one of the greatest forum software in the world.By developing every day many new features it gives the comfortability for any big network to use it.You will see it many times and its search power is very very good.For our example we'll take RaGEZONE forums which is based in vBulletin. → Your first job is to locate the Search Button.When you deal with it, press one click on it.Now there are 2 cases: a) Usually when you're registered a simple windows pops-up when you click on "Search".Type there your keywords and press search.In this thread I'm going to explain the "Go Advanced", known as Advanced Search. b) If you're not registered you may transfer to Advance Search with one click.There you'll have one more field.The Anti-Spam field where you should write what the image says and then press search. → In both cases you'll end up in a windows like this: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/Blane2.jpg[/img] Note: You can check out the image and zoom it if you want.I explain them all. → Again here, you can only type in "Search by Keyword" field.The rest are optional but useful too. ◊ iPB (knows as Invision Board or Invision Power Board) → iPB is a paid forum engine as vBulletin.It has an other style and many people say it's better than vB.This one has a good search engine too.Again here a pop-up with a field may shown up, but you can press: Go Advanced and go to Advanced Search.For our example I'm gonna choose WarezakiaS which is powered by iPB. → When you end up in search.php, by clicking "Advanced Search" you'll see something like this below: (zoom the pic if you want to understand everything) http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/Blane3-1.jpg[/img] ◊ phpBB → Free and trustful forum engine which powers many many sites with much people.Some people say it can beat vB and iPB but maybe it's not to good to archive that.PHPBB has many styles and that's why you may need to search a bit more than the other forums the search button.If you find it press one click on it and you'll see something like the picture below.In our example we use Warez-BB which is powered by phpBB3 and has thousands of visits every day: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/BlanesGuide05.jpg[/img] → Only the first box has to be filled.The other are useful but optional. Having Feedback on your own. I hope you're ok from all these but in case you did not understood something you can post here or pm me or contact me some way.I have to say that Search Function is not something difficult as when you click on it, instructions are given to you near each empty box.So it won't be too difficult to understand what you have to fill in, when you know some English.I just wrote that guide to help everyone understand how it works and help him to improve his knowledge about the Search function not only in one regular forum but in all platforms. Purpose and Thread's Target. Now that, I finished my guide, I'd like to say that many forums are having problems with their members who don't use search.The just ask things and wait some ready answer.But this is not the way a good community works.We should look in the forum first, search in Google and generally search the web before we ask help.Many kiddies may not be able to understand what "ready to eat" answer means but they have to!If they're not able to search around the forum then they shall not be members!I'm getting nervous right now, but I'm relaxing, saying that with this topic the situation will change and now all the members will use the search function before the post something.Soon this guide is going to be translated to Greek too! Thank you for your attention.Post a comment to keep the topic alive :) Best Regards to MaxCheaters Community, -Blane
  14. Sometimes, during using a cheat, the game platform may change to "Software Mode".This occures when the game crashes using a cheat.You then need 2 steps which may fix your problem: 1) Try to launch the game without cheat. 2) Change some settings in a file (Pussing the Game to run in OpenGL mode). If these don't work then you have to reinstall the game.In this case you're not gonna loose any data if you backup your files. The second problem root may be a client .ob file which is not there.You can turn the "Automate Update Tool" in your Steam account to get over this.Everytime it will download the ob file and you'll be ok. I won't give support to Non-Steam.Perhaps try re-downloading the file. -Blane
  15. +1 for all your today's posts in Cs Section :) Keep up m8! -Blane
  16. i gynaika tou tassou re mlka? sovara?
  17. Για ηρεμήστε λίγο.Παρατήρησε κανείς ότι έχει και το NOD32 ο φίλος μας στο PC του; Τσέκαρε το NOD, μήπως έχεις κάνει εκεί καμιά βλακειούλα...Η λύση της απενεργοποίησης του firewall δεν είναι σωστή και δεν προτείνεται σε καμία περίπτωση... -Blane
  18. M aresei p 8es kai leptomeries. Magaki xrisimopiise to afova ;) Einai apla warnings apo 2 AKYRA anti-virs.Ara3e ;)
  19. Hello guys! Today, my mood is really good, so I decided to share a guide.I'm creating it right now and it's completely mine.I didn't copy it from somewhere.Now, let's begin. How To Burn/Create a Bootable CD/DVD -Basic Information You should first know what the hell "boot" means.This guide is for newbies, so I'm gonna explain it as simple as I can.When you write your CD/DVD with the "Boot" option,you insert the cd/dvd in your drive and restart your computer -with some options set in computer's motherboard settings- you'll see that the content of your bootable cd/dvd will start running.This is the most simple way I can explain it.Don't worry about the "motherboard settings" as we're gonna discuss them in the last lines of this topic. -What you'll need ● Windows.For more curious persons, it works with Linux too (via Wine). ● Basic Computer Knowledge (Like clicking buttons etc ^^). ● Human abilities (You must have the ability to see pictures :P). ● Let's get serious.You will need Magic ISO.It's a utility which can be found here.You can use the trial version, in order to do your job (Pm me if you want crack). -Ready.Set.Go! → First Step is to open the program.C'mon I trust you! Go in the Start > All Programs > MagicISO.Open it! You'll see this: → Secondly, click File -> New -> Bootable CD/DVD Image. You should now make some settings... (it's not that hard don't be afraid) a) First select (it should be already selected) the third option "From Bootable Image File" and click the icon on the right. b) Browse your files and select your image. c) Tick "Enable Expert Settings (For Advanced Users Only!)".Don't be afraid it's not for advanced.I'll help you through. d) Set "Kind of" to : "No Emulation" (From default it's in "Floppy Emulation"...who the hell uses floppy nowadays huh?). e) Set "Load segment" to : 0000. f) Set "Sector Count" to : 6. Your options should now look like this: Click ok! → Step Three it's too easy! You should only press one button. I know it sounds difficult, but see the picture below.This is how your screen looks like after the first 2 steps we do: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm184/nas0sgr/BlanesGuide03.jpg[/img] Just click the image I show you in the picture! → Now you got a new dialogue and you have to select some options: a) Select your driver. b) Select the speed of the writing. c) Tick "Finalize CD". d) Press "Burn it!" Something like this: Ok you're done now.You should wait to finish.If it says "Closing Disk" or something like this in the end, and it's slow, don't think it's stuck.It just need some time to close the -beep-ing disk.Be patient! :P -Ok and now? Now, my dear friend, you have your bootable cd/dvd on your hands.Don't get scared cause the cd/dvd jumps out when the whole process is finished with no warning.So don't put coffee and stuff near the driver (Especially for laptops).Now that you have your cd, you have to restart your pc and jump in to the settings of your system.In order to do so, you need to press, some seconds before your OS is loaded, a key-combination.I can't know this combination as it's not the same for all systems (ex. in Acer it's TAB+F2).In some part of the screen it will say : "PRESS (BUTTON COMBINATION) TO ENTER SETUP".Anyway call your pc technician I don't care :P.When you manage to enter your setup menu you have to find somewhere the "Boot" option. Now, the "difficult" part.You should change the order of the hardware.Your computer is reading your hard disks (one or more) every time it boots to find it's operating system.You have to say "NO" on this and change the order.Actually you have to set the first "Bootable Device" to your driver.In this way your computer is going to read the driver -> the cd -> and your boot data :).I know that this part may be difficult, but as I said before, I can't really know which system each one here has, so I can't help more than this.Search in google in order to set your options in your motherboard. -Need Feedback? Post here or pm me. As an example, I just made a Windows Server 2003 r2 x64 copy right now! Hope you liked it.Post some comments if you want to :) -Blane
  20. Are you sure all these things are offered free from sites? Or it's just a collection which is not legal.. ?
  21. I can't really get you... What do you mean when you say textures? You want to make your own map or models? If you could edit your post and add below a Greek translation, it will be better for me to get you.[Do Not Delete English!] -Blane
  22. Something from me.The one for Naruto(already your sig) and one from me with Bleach.With Love From MxC :) -Blane
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