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Everything posted by imtheboss2012

  1. turned out to be a scammer, watch out.
  2. 2xDraco set tt sets like 6-7 sets draco bows +4 focus x2 and much more pm on forum, only paypal, im not going 1st. trusted seller.
  3. 23 days 7 euro only paypal gift
  4. l2sublimity went l2mid way, way to being 200-300ppl server sad but true
  5. tbh server wont pass 200 online
  6. wts 27 days adrenaline key 8e pm me with ur skype,
  7. 3euro, pm me.
  8. im talking about l2sublimity.com, interlude server made by Opal :)
  9. but ur antibot on Terra was rly good, im not joking... i wish all the servers had something like this.
  10. There was 300+ people at 7am EU time on Barakiel:) 350 at 2nd hallate:)
  11. Shit server, not recomending
  12. skylord is trash
  13. +6 robe sets/+14 p maces/ epics trusted seller, only paypal by gift, i dont go first, pm me with ur skype
  14. https://www.l2sublimity.com/forum/view/10295-banned-for-fraudulent-donations/#comment-115720
  15. frankie or tintilla who ever u are, u got exposed with ur credit card stealing and donating via paypal. prepare ur anuss to get rape. no1 is gonna play l2ebola btw
  16. only faggots from l2neo and other shitty servers post here, last sublimity lasted 4 month with pvp till the end.
  17. Only paypal, trusted seller. 8 euro sold
  18. why would he share a thing he made for our cp?ur dumb? its exclusive, brs and randoms pm mephisto 20 times a day for that. he clearly say no for share. and do whatever patch u want and share with whoever u want.
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