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Everything posted by imtheboss2012

  1. even for money i doubt u would get, maybe 10k usd
  2. Good bot, if they add multi scripting it will be perfect
  3. Selling wc 74+ premium, spoiler 62, crafter will all mats recipes,some mats. Only paypal, not going 1st, trusted seller pm
  4. for 2 weeks good server.
  5. adr
  6. Pm me 7euro price in stock is 10e only paypal gift, trusted seller
  7. WTB used key PM me via paypal
  8. To see when it ends there is rdy russian Patch for that
  9. Pointless to add skill that reuse is 1h
  10. *haha* not thought it was some bypass for smartguard, people will still buy it, no matter if there are some backdoors on files. eglobal also had some shitty things on their system and people still played there.
  11. hmm so it means server files can be hacked?d
  12. Frenzy works fine for me, Celestial also but has a little delay, UE works if u stand after using it, i sent him video already
  13. read last lines Celestial work Frenzy fixed work UE works when i keep standing after using UE, when i move right after using it doesnt work, fix it imo;p
  14. UE doesnt work for me? did i make it alright? or every 111 has to be updated?... fr also doesnt work celestial work didnt check zealot... i did all okay, clean client, i added only ur files and i edited my skill.grp ... http://prnt.sc/cc1o8a i think its because my skill.grp has this skills as toogle when i use them, how to make it not toogle http://prntscr.com/cc1sdl i realized sometimes skill is not as a toogle and sometimes it is and thats why it doesnt work, how to fix it. on skillgrp i have this skill set as 3 is weakening according to this http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/170369-skill-visual-animation/ should i change to 1? Celestial work Frenzy doesnt UE works when i keep standing after using UE, when i move right after using it doesnt work, fix it imo;p
  15. lol there is no way u can read somebody buffs:D u can read that only if hes casting near u:PP
  16. people cry cause somebody block bot, faken is good guy cause he always write something like this to known people. i think to everybody, i always get compensation. shit topic. cry babies http://prntscr.com/c9f2ac
  17. still willing to buy
  18. u can buy new for 10e lol dafuq is this price for 22 days key;D
  19. somebody can ban this fcking pepik troll?
  20. Willing to pay like 4e for that pm me
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