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Everything posted by imtheboss2012

  1. edit. AQ - 20e Hero acc with really good gear 35e sold new things: IC set +6 15e tallum hvy set +6/7/8 10e Draconic sets 10e each dbf +8 16e dbf +6 10e PM me with ur skype info
  2. Hi! I want to sell: - 2 Ant queen rings - Draco bow focus +8 -draco bow +6 -3x draco set -hero character with high enchanted weapon with really good augument. a lot of mats, items, tt sets pm me with ur skype, im trusted seller 1 aq sold
  3. 2x dbf +6 2x draco set 2x tt set am acu dc robe sets Got for sell character that will be 100% hero. pm with ur skype
  4. i also sell and cheaper pm
  5. its good szaka program stopped working at least i can bot with my l2tower. wont share it since server was faked up and now its balanced at least.
  6. free tower works perfect on l2mid server w/o szaka program. make anti capcha for tts quest and maybe i will share
  7. DB +4 mj light set ttset +3 pm me
  8. DBf +3 MJ light set tt set +3 100kk only paypal pm me here
  9. gz idiots now u will make them update this. gz to somebody that posted it. faggot
  10. http://i.imgur.com/t6kHphM.jpg gm said that its exploit;D fear op
  11. greedy mfer, instead of put 1keuro on server u let them kill it.
  12. hes fucking greedy
  13. russians want 1k usd for stop ddos;d
  14. thx for attention, i got lvl 52 and i got dc, im gm friend? retard
  15. working l2tower on l2mid. pm me
  16. really? http://imgur.com/a/EECQw
  17. Hi, im selling nobles char. items db +14 draco set tt set 2k tod and a lot more pm. pm me with ur skype info
  18. Selling hero acc with s grade weapon +8, tt set +3, a lot of items in wh, pm me with ur skype cheappp
  19. dont buy premim tower doesnt work on nanna tested
  20. to fake czy serio?
  21. adrenaline oryginal dziala, koleszka po ~~20min dostaje dc na nannie, pare sposobow probowal, a shaka niestety mowi ze ma wywalone, chcialem mu nawet zaplacic;/
  22. pto ogarnij zeby dzialalo na nannie;p
  23. WIlling to pay 20e
  24. make it work on nanna;p
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