AQ - 20e
Hero acc with really good gear 35e sold
new things:
IC set +6 15e
tallum hvy set +6/7/8 10e
Draconic sets 10e each
dbf +8 16e
dbf +6 10e
PM me with ur skype info
Hi! I want to sell:
- 2 Ant queen rings
- Draco bow focus +8
-draco bow +6
-3x draco set
-hero character with high enchanted weapon with really good augument.
a lot of mats, items, tt sets
pm me with ur skype, im trusted seller
1 aq sold
adrenaline oryginal dziala, koleszka po ~~20min dostaje dc na nannie, pare sposobow probowal, a shaka niestety mowi ze ma wywalone, chcialem mu nawet zaplacic;/