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Everything posted by imtheboss2012

  1. Hi, I have for sell 4xam acu, dc sets, tt sets, 120col, 3xred 13, shitload of mats, shitload of items, tt sets, adena, char with nobles, other high leveled chars, craft acc. everything u need. Trusted seller, paypal, i dont get first. PM with ur skype info
  2. Pm me, s grade weapons, tt sets, dc sets, adena festival adena. PM. trusted seller, only paypal, i dont go first. Selling also Crystals 11,12,13 pm with skype info
  3. Hi, I have for sell full geared chars with OP augus, epic jewels, FUll s gear, craft with shitload of mats. PM me
  4. 5 Euro. Trusted seller, first money then key. only paypal gift pm http://i.imgur.com/ARDT7zr.jpg
  5. Download this https://technet.microsoft.com/pl-pl/sysinternals/bb897436 Drop into disk C RUN CMD as admin, and type this one by one cd\ >cd volumeid volumeid c: 1234-5678 ( u can type whatever u want like 0000-1111) Restart PC
  6. No ja napewno ale ty wiem ze potrafilbys.
  7. nie oplaca sie czy ktos tu nie umie? Nawet jakbys sprzedal10 sztuk po 10 $ to 100$ nie opyla sie za 1h roboty?
  8. Po co kurwa tak odpisujesz ? Sam bys zrobil i bys zarobil tylko chodzisz i trolujesz topiki:P
  9. Is there anybody who can bypass this cliext.dll shit? sell it for 5$ and u get proft. ffs. l2mid for example
  10. uglibibagli is a man, he is ma boy
  11. celestine one of the corrupted guys from mrpro clan.
  12. he said he has forum protection also, i have screen with his
  13. new facts: everybody who tries to login to server is going through ddos protection which has a static IP adress, probably thats why this guys has like that.
  14. lol i wouldnt expect dumanist to cooperate with mrpro, thats why his people said they wont quit server. w/e
  15. adding 2h to aq its not rotating, its just giving BRs and NA players pve for over 1 week.
  16. you can buy Adrenaline key from russian people for 10 dollars:)
  17. dont use adv files. just use vangath files, adv files are more java than off, l2realm aka vallhala using them and it suck.
  18. a person with brain will ignore some shitty albanian with some duals. hes making script ddos like anybody from this forum can do and what? nobody cares, let him solo pvp for a while. server is fine, only some faggots try to ruin other servers. ignore them and make ur own word.
  19. to solve basic problem with tower make 1st 8 or 9 steps, if u have some of these programs just skip the point http://forum.l2tower.eu/thread-faq-how-to-solve-basic-bot-problems-and-get-it-working
  20. Selling Valakas and Frintezza pm me with your skype info. Im trusted seller
  21. HI! I have Elven Elder Nobles char with 2 subs: Necro 75 and titan 73 4 chars for full pt support: cover, bd 78 sws 78 prophet 76 Gear: DC robe set Tallum hvy set TT jewel set Infernal Master 15kk aa 200kk adena materials enchanted skills on ee 10e pm me with ur skype info, only paypal, im trusted seller.
  22. Nobles EE dc robe set hom acu.
  23. my friend bypassed it i ask him if i can share
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