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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. Interlude (C6) PVP server with custom modifications. Server has high rates and 80 level. at start. In server shops you can get free A/S grade and farm with it for better custom gears. You don't need buy many potions, soul/spirit-shots, arrows and etc., because this items is not consumable. Main Features Start Level: 80 lv. Max Level: 90 lv. Custom Items. All Interlude monsters with modified levels (80-95lv). All Interlude Zones. All Interlude Quests with modified rewards. GM Shop. Global Gatekeeper with all Interlude Zones. Raid Boss Gatekeeper with over ~200 Raid/Grand Bosses (All bosses levels modified 80-96). AIO/Scheme Buffer with all buffs with modified durations (1-2 hours). Free Sub-Class. Free Noblesse Olympiad from 86 Lv. Rebirth System. Skin System - Skin use as normal item (special inventory slots for skins) Auction House (Marketer) System. Auto Hunting system (2 hours per day) Mastery System. Changed Augment system (less mouse clicks) And much more... Some screenshots of server features Gatekeeper: Buffer: Auto Hunt: GM Shop: Auction House (Marketer): Mastery System: Raid Boss Gatekeeper: Rebirth System: Skin System: Drop List: Custom Enchant Rates: Augment Less Click System: Gold Weapons: HTTPS://L2CUSTOM.COM/
  2. In acis L2PcInstance = Player And many other things are just renamed. Just check other similar files and compare what changed.
  3. remove DisableGameGuard() from code at all. compile and send here new dsetup.dll
  4. try comment/remove this if (!DisableGameGuard()) return FALSE;
  5. I think i found where is problem. // with this i get errors (No connection available within the specified time (option 'connectTimeout': 30,000 ms) private void updateDatabase() { try { Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dungeon"); stm.executeUpdate(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // with this no errors private void updateDatabase() { try(Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection()) { PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dungeon"); stm.executeUpdate(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } who can explain why?
  6. yes. i got one error: [Warning] Aborted connection 3 to db: 'SERVER_DB' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)
  7. yes localhost and 127.0.01 connect successfully. Like i said error start throwing only after some hours.
  8. there no limits for user. https://prnt.sc/eJB2oWTgdo8G db url: jdbc:mariadb:// everything fine with user/pass/db. im using linux it have iptables and firewalld but everything fine here. hm, i will try, now i enabled all logs which i found , will see tomorrow
  9. No players in server. max connections: 256. active coneections: 3 max_used_connections: 70 so problem not there. and in mariadb logs no errors
  10. Hello, maybe some one had this error?: java.sql.SQLException: No connection available within the specified time (option 'connectTimeout': 30,000 ms) at org.mariadb.jdbc.pool.Pool.getPoolConnection(Pool.java:382) at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbPoolDataSource.getConnection(MariaDbPoolDataSource.java:79) at net.sf.l2j.commons.pool.ConnectionPool.getConnection(ConnectionPool.java:47) ..... ... .. .. . what can cause this error? Can't figure out it start appear only maybe after half a day. Only in game server, on login server everything fine. acis 401 what i have tried: Update mariadb connector to 3.1.2 ver. Restart vps. reinstall mariadb
  11. Divide p atk by 10 and send to client, then in interface multiple by 10.
  12. But still you can calc. which is fake and which is real by char. cords..
  13. If server doesn't have any other anti bot then its easy to bypass. Just capture `ExServerPrimitive` packets and then send back move packets.
  14. Group it by char id and select like sum(character_raid_points.*) as scores and join char table to select char name
  15. TutorialShowHtml TutorialCloseHtml http://web.archive.org/web/20190806183427/http://netpro.revengineer.eu/packets/sm_tutorialshowhtml.html
  16. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m1gFQmnVcBKrMImzY0B2bI1Yw2oeL-if/view?usp=sharing firstly u need encrypt client/server packets. there are good example in this files.
  17. in items dir. can't be any subfolders must be only .xml files.
  18. easy way with org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils action="bypass admin_test [a] $var [/a] [b] $var2 [/b] [c] $var3 [/c]" String text = StringUtils.substringBetween(command, "[a] ", " [/a]"); String text2 = StringUtils.substringBetween(command, "[b] ", " [/b]"); String text3 = StringUtils.substringBetween(command, "[c] ", " [/c]");
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