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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Pantws auto me ta vyzia pou eipe o Paok den einai psemata, kati typhses eixane synnenoh8ei na grapsoun ekei, ki ama tis evlepe kaneis ka8hghths 8a ton kathgorousan gia sexualikh parenoxlhsh kai paidofilia afou koita to sth8os tous
  2. nai 8a paw na anoi3w twra to fakelo me tous elenxous kai ta diplwmata, na vrw ton elenxo ths triths pou phra prin 2 xronia , na paw na mou to scannaroun , na to valw se usb, na epistrepsw edw, na to kanw upload, na to postarw edw gia na sou fygoun oi amfivolies?
  3. Poses wres? come on re man, ama einai etsi , egw eimai o Einstein, ka8ws me misawraki (askhseis mono) evgala 19 10/13 tote. Twra me kana 2wro gia to sxoleio kai ....em...nai....asto gia to frontisthrio, evgala 19.8 , kai twra paw e3etaseis, alla ante na doume xhmeia poso 8a grapsw giati o xhmikos dn me xwnevei, giati oute kai gw ton paw epeidh einai KtK (karapoustara tou kerata)
  4. Katse me to ena podi panw sto allo kai grapse sos sto podi katw apo thn kaltsa - jean Fora kapelo kai grapse mesa ta sos grapse sos mesa apo thn mplouza sou , kai meta trava thn pros ta e3w kai kala gia na kaneis aera epeidh idrwses mou teleiwsan oi idees.
  5. Siga mwre to fyto. Etsi pou nai to systhma twra, grafeis ta sos sto 8raneio, kapatswneis thn kasetina apo panw, grafeis 20 kai ka8arises. Poios se leei fyto?
  6. wat Οϊ, δευτέρα πάω :P Αλλά με τις καταλήψεις , τις απεργίες, έχουμε βγάλει την μισή ύλη από ότι έπρεπε, και μας προειδοποίησαν οτι θα πέσουν καραπαλουκάρες ακριβώς γι' αυτό το λόγο - ΣΑΔΙΣΤΕΣ.
  7. Pempth pairnw alla sta @@ ta proforika, kana 19.8 8a xw - shmasia exei ti 8a grapseis stis e3etaseis :S
  8. I don't like the text mate, it just doesn't fit in this sig... I mean come on, some caligraphic letters next to a hardcore soldier? Think about it. The lighting is weird - the sun is next to his head , to the right, but he is bright from the left o.O and I kinda think the render's quality is a bit bad - I can't tell if it is a real guy or a virtual soldier from a game.
  9. yeh kind of crappy text and no borders, but it's a nice try and you got ambition
  10. well since you are more useful, why are you still in this place? Go fix something in the world.
  11. Do you use the sharpen tool on the render?
  12. Loipon akou thn gnwmh mou (paizw 9 xronia) an 8es klassikh , me ton swsto tropo (dld plhrhs texnikh kai klassikh paideia) trava se ena wdeio, ALLA na einai Guitar Only! (dld MGS, h opoiodhpote sxetiko) an 8es hlektrikh , mporeis pali na pas se wdeio h na ma8eis kai monos sou, alla kalytera na symvouleuteis kapoio daskalo gia ta arxika. an pali 8es akoystikh, einai dikia sou epilogh. Btw mate, ma8e ligo or8ografia kai meta grafe me ellhnika, giati pragmatika mou r8e ligo 3afniko :P
  13. believe in yourself would've been better imo :) nice smudgin
  14. please fix the English in your sig matey, you almost killed my dog
  15. Edw exoun ftia3ei fan group gia to xarti toualetas, gia to xreos den 8a ftiaxnane?
  16. At last i'll learn how to use this effin thing , Thanks for the tutorial mate
  17. Admit it, this is the truth vvvvvv
  18. Koita ligo pio mprosta - Ena banner se ena gemato site dinei pollous neous typades kai perissotera donations. KAi sigoura me ta 10xrona p paizoun l2 , einai sigouro oti 8a parei tis ierodoulhs to xrhma.
  19. Ouk en tw pollw to eu :) Egw 2 exw ki eimai kalos 8)
  20. LOL I so wanna see this picture xD
  21. i dont like teh rippling on the render, everything else is fine
  22. Δικιες τους οι μαλακιες, δικιες μας οι τιμωριες. Εγω ενα ξερω : Αφου ειστε το 90% 13-19, χαλαρώστε λιγο με τα iPhone , τα ρουχα μαρκας και οτι αλλο ζητατε απο τους γονεις, γιατι οι εποχες ειναι δυσκολες.
  23. At least you know what colours match, and it seems you got some great potential For your first sig i'd give you a 9/10 surely! It's nice seeing people makin good starts like this. There are a lot of ...can't-be-described noobs who put green renders on red backgrounds and ruin my day.
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