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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. ελα κοψ' Χανιά ε? Πουλάκι μου. Κι εγω Κρήτη θα είμαι, αλλα εσυ θα μπανιαρίζεσαι στη Γιωργιούπολη (ANEΠΑΝΑΛΗΠΤΗ ΠΑΡΑΛΙΑ , ΝΑ ΠΑΤΕ) κι εγώ θα γράφω διαγωνίσματα
  2. I don't like the "POWER" font and colour, everything else is pretty nice
  3. The link is dead, if anyone could provide a proper mirror for my guide (a long-term one) , please PM me, thanks.
  4. What I'd like to see in yer guides is some macros, some PvClass tactics and some arena strategies. Overall is a pretty nice guide, simple and helps players get started. But its problem is that it's mostly for PvE realmers - Endgame stuff is missing. Nice effort though!
  5. I got carbon for 5€ 2 days after its release because of a mistake at the store <3 But my favourites were Underground 2, Hot Pursuit 2 (<3) and Most Wanted because of its amazing music. Underground 2 : Extreme car modifications, you started with a car and you ended with a winged tank Hot Pursuit : Amazing graphics, awesome cop chases and the graphics were top then Most Wanted : Awesome plot 'n music.
  6. Pen n Paper games are awesome, DnD started like this and we used to have some awesome times together with my buddies at junior high school.
  7. If this is really your first it's amazing mate. The colours are fine and the effects are also acceptable . Just take care on : -The text - remove that stroke and change the colour and the opacity / you can even apply some C.mask on it to blend it with the rest. -The render is fine now, but you could also smudge it a bit , duplicate it and smudge the secondary ones etc. to make it flow better with the BG -The borders need to be a bit thinner, also change their opacity - low opacity borders tend to look way cooler, especially the thin ones.
  8. I just dislike the text - bad font and colour, and it doesn't fit the siggy The moon is kind of weird... look at its shape. and I dunno what that red thing next to the moon is supposed to mean
  9. The render is bad by default. When I used it I deleted the sabers, they are really , really ugly. But mate... GREEN text on RED background? Does it look right to you? Never make such a mistake . Please use colours that work with each other. Red - White , Pink White, Black White, Light blue - Orange etc.
  10. O alh8inos Pyromaker einai ena a3iosevasto palikari pou exei ginei GM se 200 server ki exei ftia3ei ekatontades diashma armor (epic armoc ktlp) twra oti 8a se kanei GM sto kapaki , xwris na se 3erei, dn nomizw.
  11. Really nice mate, I just don't like the "+" , they may've looked better with another layer mode.
  12. Y sigoura , akoma ki an gnwrizoun plhrofories pou kapoioi 8a plhrwnan trisekatomyria gia na apokthsoun. Mhn lete xazomares.
  13. We recently made an WoW server with a friend and we are looking for some ideas about the website. So I want you to post the most beautiful websites you know (L2, WoW, anything) so that we can look at them and get some inspiration.
  14. Τελικά το αμάξι το κράτησαν?
  15. This is turning to be a LOLfight between 2 average users. You should both read tutorials. About the sig, it's a nice try, you gotta fix/remove the text ( better remove, no text can actually fit this weird flow)
  16. There's this computer program, mySonyEricsson or something, that allows you to save everything on your pc (calls, sms, contacts) by just plugging your phone and opening the program. You can put yer messages in there and then delete them from your phone. EDIT : Float's Mobile Agent 2 and MyPhoneExplorer are the programs. You can find them at myw995.lasyk.net (IT"S NOT WAREZ, yOU MR X WANNABEMOD)
  17. No reason for this topic to exist - Blizzard added a quest helper and it's more than enough for the players - The client gets improved every time they make a new patch so it's not a surprise really.
  18. Δεν βαριέσαι...λεφτά να βγαίνουν κι όλα τα άλλα.... η δουλειά δεν είναι ντροπή. Εκτός αν ο πατέρας σου έχει εργοστάσιο επεξεργασίας δέρματος ... τότε θα ντρέπεσαι να βγείς στο δρόμο για να επιστρέψεις σπίτι από την μυρωδιά.
  19. It's pretty fine actually, and I like how you combine the render with c4ds text extreme as always
  20. Well I never liked them , but the concert seemed really nice.
  21. The demotion of the oldest ('cept Maxtor) person in here for a single topic is what makes me sad - this place is way too soft anymore. Maxtor get in charge again and decide for his own forum...
  22. Χάπυ Μπέρθντέη
  23. Μπά έχω δίπλωμα φραπεδιέρας, μου το πούλησε ένας 150€ Tι? Λές να με έποιασε κότσο?
  24. Yeh'll catch the ants and the mosquitos yourself or it'll go solo hunting?
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