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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Not so good, because some people change their emails just because they lost their old ones, and that's the actual reason this system exists.
  2. Duuuude , what type of English is this? "fold"? It's fault! Better use a translator for the difficult words cause these mistakes can make you look ridiculous.
  3. Well you can include a guide on how to register, some famous examples from our exploits etc, those 2 can take 3-4 minutes combined :)
  4. Lol this ain't no kindergarden nor the Nazi germany dude. It's a funny pic, what's wrong with that? Even Lineage is 16+, so what? fail wannabe mod is fail
  5. Pes mou ti router exeis, ti antivirus/firewall exeis kai ti OS ola einai synafh, kai ola paizoun shmasia.
  6. fix the people's shape and it'll be pretty good
  7. can run around the globe and punch himself in the back
  8. Well I do actually, I think the 3rd is awesome... Is there any tutorial for it? Do you have a link? I love the current free one with the green smoking text It's extreme! But it's also hard
  9. Tried mate, but for most cool looking stuff you need Action Essentials 2 (12gb :S)
  10. Hello peeps, My team is creating a DotA video , and I feel kind of desperate. I am supposed to create a video by 20 of August but I needa create a video intro in After Effects. The thing is , my team expects something cool , like those awesome intros in playdota.com I have tried but I have found zero guides about those nice effects , because they either need some 12 gb plugins or extreme skills You have 2 options : You can either show me a site that contains some nice video intro tutorials for newbies or you can create the awesome intro yourself, I'll try to contant a mod so you can take all my adena or even my karma, I can try to open photoshop again to make you a sig if needed, but pls halp :)
  11. it has some cool extra features, they are mostly for advanced users but they can be fun if you manage to use them well
  12. xaxax Προφανώς θα είχε αλφισμό, γι αυτό και δεν την αρμέγει κάτω από τον ήλιο, αλλά το βράδυ
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dePsHTEFR7A&feature=player_embedded#!
  14. I passed the Proficiency Exam (the last one, C2? dunno) like 4 years ago. I never actually studied for this shit. ALL HAIL TEH INTERNETZ.
  15. xaxaxax to xa 3anadei prin apo kairo, ta spaei apeira!
  16. There are many peeps missing from this list, and how can you POSSIBLY put XTHEVIOLATOR in the same list with MD and Blane? Seriously.
  17. Put dimebag in there too :P and for the drummer, Jimmy Sullivan from Avenged Sevenfold should be there.
  18. Μόνο ανακοπή? Εκεί πέρα πονάνε τα κόκαλα σου! Αλλά έχει τρελή φάση όταν έχεις πρώτα βουτήξει στο κρύο νερό της θάλασσας, γιατί όσο να ναι συνηθιζει ο οργανισμός
  19. Εμείς πάμε στην παραλία όπου χύνεται το ποτάμι - ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία φίλε , το νερό είναι εκπληκτικά κρύο. Κι αν πάς εκεί ακριβώς που χύνεται, το νερό είναι τόσο κρύο πού νίωθεις όλο σου το σώμα να πονάει. Κι έχει μια γέφυρα εκεί και πάμε και κανουμε τούμπες ;p
  20. To "I see what you did there" το λέγαμε πολύ παλιά σε εποχές echokinetics οταν κάποιος έλεγε κάτι και υπονοούσε κάτι άλλο Αμέσως να αρπαχτείς εσύ -.O
  21. Rets are kind of imba because of their self-protection combined with the 9k crits the can get. Warriors can be unbeatable , but you need skill+top gear to achieve this. I also love armor pen combat rogues now cause their KS brings everyone down with the correct timing (if you play dota, KS = yurnero's omnislash, jumps around the target extremely fast dealing major damage, or around many enemies hitting them once or twice)
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