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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. You are really good at pen tool, it's where you are strong. If you develop your other parts ,especially the text, your siggies will be masterpieces. Just need to have patience.
  2. I've seen it like 50 times, why did you post it exactly?
  3. Nah , he was poo, I was able to own him easily, cause his weakness is extremely easy to notice : When he attacks and you avoid his hit, he has a cooldown, and you are able to hit him a couple of times. After that you run around till he does it again... simple ;p
  4. What the title says : Which boss was the hardest one you've ever fought? For me , it was a Megaman boss I used to fight at my first PC (win 95 ftw) He was bugged, releasing a huge ray when he died . Even if you avoided it, you died , so you actually couldn't beat this guy.
  5. Hahah Noble is the man! He locked the stupid topic <3 Now the question is : How will they last for 17 minutes till the other topic gets unlocked :P?
  6. Ἐστὶν οὖν τραγωδία μίμησις πράξεως σπουδαίας καὶ τελείας, μέγεθος ἐχούσης, ἡδυσμένῳ λόγῳ, χωρὶς ἑκάστῳ τῶν εἰδὼν ἐν τοῖς μορίοις, δρώντων καὶ οὐ δι’ ἀπαγγελίας, δι’ ἐλέου καὶ φόβου περαίνουσα τὴν τῶν τοιούτων παθημάτων κάθαρσιν ?! INTERMEZZO LIBERTE!!
  7. Ουυυυυ το + είναι διεθνές σύμβολο κι όχι ελληνικό! -1 αμέσως.
  8. Mα τι λέμε τώρα; Ξέρω παλικάρια που πήραν το pc απ΄ έξω και δεν έχουν Ελληνικά. Επειδή δηλαδή το 'γραψε ο άλλος πρέπει να το υπακούσουν οι Μods; Ρε Krash τι χαζομάρες είναι αυτές τώρα;
  9. Eσυ πάντως το -1 το τσίμπησες, αν και εμείς του την λέγαμε του άλλου ;p
  10. Αααα πες το έτσι... Μα καλά ο εγκέφαλος μπήκε στο πλήσιμο μετά το ντουζ; Από τι να την σώσουν; Μάλλον από την πλήξη και την βαρεμάρα αφού ακόμα και όλα τα προβλήματα να λύσουμε, θα έχουμε να ασχοληθούμε με το Κυπριακό, ένα θέμα που το δημιούργησαν μια ομάδα συνταγματαρχών για να τα αρπάξουν χοντρά και να τα χουν καλά με τους Αμερικάνους.
  11. H μαμά σου στο λέει αυτο; Και την Κύπρο γιατί την γάμησαν, την διαίρεσαν και την έδωσαν πρώτο πιάτο στους Τούρκους; Μέτρα κατά της κρίσης κι αυτά; Μήπως να δώσουμε και την Κρήτη στο ΔΝΤ για να μην μειωθούν οι συντάξεις;
  12. Έχεις βάλει το σήμα της Χούντας για εικόνα και μας ζητάς ΕΣΥ να μιλάμε Ελληνικά και μας μιλάς για αγάπη προς την Ελλάδα; Ένα σου λέω : [GR] Official Spam Topic για την νίκη!
  13. apo palies epoxes MxB ton eixa, dn eimaste kai kollhtaria vevaia
  14. Koita, pisteuw an dn 8es na eisai active member sto forum den symferei. Ta Exploits teleutaia einai elaxista kai den 8a deis dramatika apotelesmata apo auta pou diavazeis. An twra 8es na exeis prosvash se diafora sections kai alla , pare ;)
  15. Msn ton eixa alla exw kairo na ton dw mesa, isws alla3e
  16. Mhn to paraxezoume. Epeidh to STAR provalei thn Mpezentakou kai ton Martakh auto 8a pei oti oi Ellhnes den einai kalh sthn mousikh? Trava pes ston patera sou oti o Theodorakis ki o Xatzhdakhs den htan kaloi mousikoi. Ki an goustarete metal tosa ellhnika yparxoun : Firewind, Rotting Christ, HELL akoma kai oi Rosebleed antexontai pou einai kainourgioi.
  17. SUCKY text, you didn't even try to make it look good. Mechanic renders work well on mechanic backgrounds made by C4ds put together nicely. This bg looks like a shirt my grandmother made for my 2 year old cousin. GR : Prepei na 3ekinhseis apo to lola na ena mhlo kai na ma8eis 3ana ta vasika : a) xrwmata : Ti tairiazei me ti, ti einai asxhmo, poio prepei na tonizeis kai poio oxi. b) c4d : Posa prepei na vazeis, pws kai pote. c) Render : Size kai topo8ethsh. d) TEXT : TA PANTA.
  18. Nai kai gw pou to liwsa, valane epithdes paloukares kai patwsan h Texnologikh kai H 8etikh me 99% pososto apotyxias (dld katw apo 15) to 1% eiani kana dyo pou apo kolofardia tous vghkan ta noumera. Malakes einai re, to kanane etsi gia na gelasoun.
  19. EWWWW remove that crappy thing Im trying to get rid of this style... From ALL this topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=65877.msg477947#msg477947 you picked THIS?
  20. send me the render to make sure, but this doesn't change anything, you could've erased this part (you as referring to you girls, not you Sofaki, dunno who picked the render and worked on it in the first place)
  21. BAD POINTS: From right to left: a) That c4d seems to have low quality, or you've sharpened it , it seems pixelated to me, and it's bad to the eye b) This c4d messes the signature BADLY, I don't think you even tried to blend it to the siggy, it's like she has a pillow made of ruby. c) I think this is a product of the liquification but its shape is bad and it needs more work to look acceptable - also this black dot on the pink shape makes the situation worse d) Why would you create this purple ball if you want to cover it with the c4d? Some changes on the blending mode of the ball/c4d could've provided a better result e) Bad smudging on the light ray, it makes it look unatural GOOD POINTS: a) Really nice text, amazing job in it. b) Nice render c) Colours match perfectly d) Nice use of liquify Rating : 6/10 Comments : The sig was NOT ready! It needed more work and better collaboration, it's noticeable that someone created the sig and then someone else tried to fix it. From right to left: BAD POINTS: a) I can notice a line there , that works like a border which cuts the flow in two, decreases quality b) Really messy background, makes it difficult to blend with the render c) DESTRUCTIVE TEXT, really big , really ugly and with a crappy position. If it wasn't the CRISIS logo i'd just delete the image at once. d) White borders on a dark sig? Bad idea. At least reduce their opacity. e) The render has suffered an extreme modification especially at the area of the gun , and I believe that's because of the messy background. GOOD POINTS a) Really good flow, perfect emphasis on the render and the weapon. b) Flawless use of c4ds and this sig is an example of how people must use c4ds as an effect c) Good job with the smuding, saves it up for the messy background d) No colour dismatch. Rating: 7/10 Comments : If it wasn't for this ... unacceptable text , it would've been a masterpiece. WINNER for me : MD & KS Really close one, but the girls' signature needed more work. It looks professional but with a closer look, it seems rushed.
  22. What wazzaaaaaaaa you needa post yer sig or i'll cut my veins, and it's a shame cause it's the 5th pair I cut this month
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