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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. What's with him? He has the basic guitar knowledge a pro must have, but he's got nothing special. He also admitted that he is following Jimi's footsteps and style so why vote him as the best guitarist?
  2. I'd go with Michael Angelo Batio or Paul Gilbert if they were on da list. But from this list I'd deffinitely Jimmy Page or Jimi Hendrix, they had their souls united with the instrument.
  3. Pas se ena trainer kai patas "I wish to reset my talents" kapws etsi to grafei, h toulaxiston etsi to lege otan epaiza egw :P. Otan lew trainer ennow class trainer, autos p sou ma8ainei ta spell. Aplws ka8e fora p 8a kaneis unlearn, 8a plhrwneis parapanw gold.
  4. It ain't that bad mate Think about it - about 70% of the people in here watch anime, and it's actually related to games - many games around were based on Anime. Hell, Lineage graphics are also inspired by Japanese Manga designing style... Anime section ain't that bad, but it will remain alive ONLY if episodes are allowed to be posted, and that's bad cause some of them are considered warez and...hem....warez ain't allowed.
  5. Well this happened to me when i got Gmail banned, but I changed the proxy and it worked fine It also happened when i first put my rooter, it actually screwed half the pages.
  6. loled at the first one :P
  7. complete and total loss of inspiration during the studying hours ;S
  8. LOL it takes skills to find pics like this ;P
  9. He usually insults several religions but this time he's completely innocent, he didn't do anything, so whoever banned him should reconsider
  10. Opa re, poios eisai, O Einstein? Vrhkame ton sygxrono Aristotelh ! :>
  11. When stairway to heaven was released, it was as famous as a song can get of course some idiot rivals had to try to get it down. this is one of the ways they discovered..
  12. I kinda feel that the render doesn't belong there. Your current sig's fine , but this one needs more work or just a different render
  13. apo oti katalava einai sta kinezika, kai to pc sou dn yposthrizei kinezika... Opote pata to pio logiko ????? kai 8a proxwrisei h egatastash. Egw to katevasa gia na dw ti paizei kai mou to kane install mia xara
  14. LOL Ο χρήστης Furion™ λέει: They banned my account MasterDisaster Muahahahhaha
  15. Yeh I know him, I'm not in love with him tho, he ain't bad but he's just not my style my guitar teacher loves him , jazz is his style tho
  16. Lolen , your sig is exactly the same :P Seems that you are following guides even now, so you are trying to get better, that's good , cause it's the proof that you don't concider yourself uber pro like some other people in this place.
  17. H aplws na pas sto prwto, na svhseis to text kai na valeis diko sou ;p
  18. Amazing effects, needs more work on bottom left and upper right, and of course remove that ugly text that RUINS the signature. Even Darkslayer's is bad, and I stated my opinion in the past about it. Make it transparent / add a c.mask / use a normal font and a mirror effect ANYTHING will do , but it has to fit to make this sig a true masterpiece
  19. MPOUAXAXAXXAXXAXXAX ΒΡΗΚΕΣ ΟθΟΝΗ? MPOUAXAXAXXAXA Na sai kala re man , gamhse thn tzoulia, thn farmakh kai thn kagia sta tessera! Apla teleio!
  20. It's fine, just don't make the mistake and buy a crappy amplifier Buy a proper amplifier, with many effects, and an acceptable size. Or else you'll get bored in 3 months, I assure you I know some friends who made the same mistake and wasted a lot of money on their guitars
  21. I got scammed just once but didn't loose anything serious Now the people in there are so stupid that I can lure them with a freaking virtual candy. Seriously , half the kids(8-14) in my area play in L2gold, it's just rediculous. [THA KLEISW TO METIN, MPAINW GOLD, ELA NA ME HELP NA PWNAROUME 3 NOOBS. KATSE, PAIRNEI H MAMA MOU]
  22. Derp derp? I don't like using other templates since it keeps asking for updates and I cba to update everytime I open the actual browser :)
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