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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Εγώ έχω αυτό Είναι μια οικιακή φραπεδιέρα. Είναι ένα πολύ ωραίο μηχανάκι, ή μάλλον μηχανηματάκι. Φτιάχνει φραπέδες, εσπρέσσο, φρέντο, και με λίγη προσπάθεια και ελληνικό. Είναι μια καλή επένδυση. Λεω να πάω να του βάλω αεροτομή και να βάλω μια ομάδα γκραφιτάδων να μου βάψει το πάνω μέρος, ώστε να πάω και γώ στην αγορά με την φραπεδιέρα και να λέω ότι έχω φτιαχμένο μηχανάκι - μηχανηματάκι
  2. Στην ελληνική υπάρχουν πάνω από 4.000.000 λέξεις, στην ανάγκη άνοιξε κάνα Μπαμπινιώτη.
  3. Kai na sou e3hghsei apoklyetai na katalaveis. H diadikasia einai syn8eth - to mono pou mporeis na kaneis einai na to katageileis ston analogo paroxea (hotmail yahoo gmail ktlp) kai na tous peis ola ta info tou email sou (ta panta omws, elpizw na mhn evales secret question SDFSDF?) kai isws sto dwsoun.
  4. It ain't bad at all for yer first sig. I can notice some good stuff on it. The colours match , the text is good enough, and there's a tiny bit of flow. You should try to place the render better, and use the c4ds in a better way - that red aura around him (probably a c4d) looks kind of bad. Keep sigging! Good job! PS. This is 10 times better than other guys' first try : I 've seen some pink renders on yellow/green background ...
  5. He's active , he's here for a long time and he has shared some cool stuff. Non of your business that he joined the staff - as I 've told before , you could always proove that you are better than him yet you are banned and he is gold.
  6. I agree, it's just easier. Tbh i dont cut my renders... I erase the parts i dont like, duplicate and erase with low opacity brushes etc.
  7. You don't need to cut the stuff with pen tool - Polygonal lasso is much more convenient.
  8. borders, better text and it'll be awesome :) 8/10
  9. Even Adobe admitted that it sucked, that's why they quickly proceeded to CS4. So get your facts straight before insulting someone.
  10. Well the flow is acceptable, it just needs a bit more depth and a slightly better subtext. btw...don't create so many threads... one is just enough
  11. well it's natural. Your internet connection has a limit - It can't recieve too much data at the same time. When you download something at full speed, the capacity available for other stuff is reduced, and this means that everything else that has to do with recieving/sending files is slow. It may also be your RAM for the same reason
  12. Well this ain't a battle to be honest. This is some sort of annihilation. It's like forcing Violator to loose. Learning purposes? You should've learned more if you've posted it on an actual thread. The comparison with Darkslayer just demolishes every part of xTheVioLaToR's signature and it's just sad. Anyway. Darkslayer [*]Needs a bit more depth, I can actually notice that you placed the render on the bg, a bit more smudging or blurring would've made it better. [*]In my opinion it should've been better if it was slightly darker. The BG is a dark forest. But that may just be me. [*]You used topaz to make it look good. In this sig, the use is actually correct, but you could've tried more to achieve a better result without topaz. Nothing else to comment really. Everything else is pretty good. Rate : 8/10 xTheVioLaToR [*]BAD render shape. It seems someone threw 2t of fish on the render making it shorter and weird. [*]BAD background choice - A winged deamon/demon-hunter in a village with a lighthouse? Let's get a bit more realistic. [*]The Green dots give me the thought that the render has an illness or something and there's green gas around it. [*]BAD borders. Thinner the ones up and down and add some at the right and left. Overall you are improving a bit, the depth is getting better, and I think you get ++ because you didn't add your usual destructive and unacceptable texts. Rate : 5/10 Winner: ...sigh, HOLD YOUR BREATH BOYS AND GIRLS - ĐαяқSLaYєЯ PS. What's ACAB?
  13. [*]"xa00xa0xa0x NOOB" [*]Enchanting, pointless imo, getting a good weapon is hard already (retail) [*]The characters' movement is BAD. It's like playing with a doll. WoW is better than this, PvP consists of REAL action, strafing, chasing, not sitting on one place and channeling spells. [*] It's 16+ but most people are 10-14 yo.
  14. Well you certainly didn't discover the rule of gravity nor the relativity theory. Nice job tho but nothing special, and the used fonts are bad.
  15. HAHAHHA Take that mace I ain't the only one that thinks he is gay :P xVioLaToR , plz edit yer sig and resize the render... its shape is bad
  16. akou ti leei... Meso oro 2? Poso stournari? Agglika re mlk dn grafeis? Oute ta swsto la8os sthn tyxh den apantas? Sta kremasta sou oi antistoixhseis? Dld eleos mhn eiste stokoi, grapste kati, 8a pate panellhnies kai 8a rwtate apo pou sas hr8e, xaramofaides
  17. Ανδρέας ο Έχων πατέρα ή ο Ουκ έχων έλλειψη πατρός ?!
  18. So What? Ki o Bob Dylan syndiase Folk kai RockNRoll. Otan h heavy metal dhmiourgh8hke apo Deep Purple/ Black Sabbath/ Led Zeppelin , polloi thn 8ewrhsan a8lio eidos kai thn paromoiazan me Karekles pou spane. Oi Led Zeppelin kai oi Deep Purple prosarmosan ta tragoudia tous gia na ta kanoun swsta xwris parallhla na vgoun apo to eidos. Oi Led periorizontas to Gain Sta riff tous kai kanontas ta melodika, kai oi Deep pros8etontas plhktra kai parallhla dinontas emfash ston swsto hxo kai oxi sto vary distortion. Oi black emeinan to idio karekles apo tote ews twra kai ta tragoudia tous moiazoun san na epanalamvanoun to idio 4metro epi 5 lepta... In my opinion Led Zeppelin = Heavy Metal all the way.
  19. Ti kollhma exete faei me ton Ozzy, egw 8ewrw pws yparxoun polloi kalyteroi sta fwnhtika apo dauton.
  20. My first Picture legetai oxi my first signature ;)
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