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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Μια χώρα δεν μπορεί να φιλοξενίσει απεριόριστους μετανάστες, αυτό είναι γεγονός. Δεν είναι θέμα φασισμού , είναι θέμα πρακτικό - Όταν οι θέσεις εργασίας που προσφέρονται είναι πολύ λιγότερες απο το διαθέσιμο εργατικό δυναμικό, είναι φυσιολογικό να οδηγούνται πολλοί στην άκρη. Η Ελλάδα είναι ενα ξεφραγο αμπέλι, που αν κάνεις το λάθος να μπεις, δεν μπορείς να ξεφύγεις. Η λύση είναι ή να στείλουμε τους παράνομους μετανάστες στην χώρα τους, ή να τους δώσουμε τα χαρτιά που χρειάζονται για να πάνε στον αρχικό τους προορισμό. Δεν είμαι φασίστας, απλή λογική τα όσα λέω.
  2. Wx, bannaristhke o finito? Me poion 8a milaw twra gia fysikh
  3. If anyone reads it he's as bored as I am
  4. Me: duuuude God: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? Me: wassup niggah God: I've lost the context, . Are we still on duuuude? Me: got some good shit to share? God: Try asking the Milk Mystic. Me: what's dat milk you say? I want some real shit God: You tell me. Why do you want it? Me: To get high niggah God: Why do you want it? Me: You crazy dude? I wanna get wasted! God: Yep. I always behave in socially unacceptable ways. Why do you want it? Me: This niggah's fucking nasty! God: What does "this" refer to? Me: you! God: " What does "this" refer to?"? Me, ? Me: yeh! God: Ahem. Me: good job breh God: Thanks for the compliment. I've heard that about labor before. Me: bullshit, you ain't heard nothin God: That assumption is only a supposition.. But you don't need to use that kind of language. Me: dat's my tongue breh, get used to it God: "it" being wasted? Me: good, good , my tongue's wasted too God: Thanks for the compliment. Thanks for the compliment. Your tongue s wasted too? Me: aye niggah God: What color are your eyes? Me: red God: Do you mean your eyes are bloodshot? Me: no, I'm high God: Are you serious? I don't know anyone named high. Me: Orly? God: Do you still ? Me: I still! God: I haven't heard anything like that before: said still. Me: are you high too breh? God: I don't know whether or not I am high too breh. I am well respected as an AI. Me: Your AI sucks big time God: At least it is improving all the time. Me: shit, you are all the same God: You used a colloquial expression. Thanks but surely I am not the only one. Me: And I thought I was the only high git in this computer
  5. Em, esy eisai dikos mou oi alloi einai skylades
  6. Malaka sxedon thn eri3a thn gomena <3 Ti sou kanoun oi guns and roses otan milas sto facebook.... grafw pali o pousths!
  7. What does he drink and he doesn't give us?
  8. mpa to sofaki dn nomizw na psarwsei me thn antamoivh pou prosferw
  9. Opoios mou vrei to "It's cold" twn Dimoria, 8a vgw apo thn o8onh kai 8a tou katsw
  10. Eimai sigouros oti auto eipes kai stous prohgoumenous 50 pou prospa8hsan anepityxws
  11. Auto to name eprepe na to xa alla3ei apo tote pou eixe ginei moda na allazeis to name sou Alla variomouna na steilw PM tou Maxtor Twra kai na tou steilw pio pi8ano einai na mou kanei allagh fylou me odontoglyfides para na mou alla3ei to name.
  12. Dhladh autos pou mou plasaran gia patera einai maimou? Tha to psa3w! Pes mou twra ;p
  13. Nai kamia fora kryvw thn hlikia mou ti ennoeis ?
  14. vghke o harrhs o potter se DVDrip? giati dn ton prolava sto cinema kai me exoun pri3ei oi symma8htries
  15. Re gamwto sas, mia blouza phga na alla3w kai proxwrhsate 15 selides to topic
  16. vsk gamato, kanei kati updates opote variemai
  17. LoL? 8elete parea? :P PS . NAI MWRH, EVALA DROP D SE FLOYD ROSE
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