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AchYlek last won the day on August 2 2020

AchYlek had the most liked content!

About AchYlek

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    Czech Republic

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  1. so he can block all servers
  2. anyway its trash as fuck, if u dont open high rate essence
  3. what about try pm Контакты \ Contacts: Discord: Voices!#0001 Telegram - @TELEGABOY Skype: blacknessinside
  4. give me free donate itemkas like always and me join
  5. where skip demo ?
  6. daily 4x epics pvp, no need farm with hands, can play it though mobile at work... its game for old ppl when u cant sit at home near pc 24/7
  7. dont use .dat files
  8. So you want tell me, if me go to any vote sites, i see rank 1 server with votes, me gonna join and after few minuts i see server is empty? so me log to next server and again same shit
  9. vote sites was worth only for ingame reward, but rly who watching at 2k22 vote sites ? only famous servers name winning rest l2 severs max 50 on better pay few more euro for advert, than fake useless vote, np celestine me wont give u good review
  10. +1 good serbidor
  11. idk but rly 8k euro? http://l2-scripts.com/index.php?productID=680 for this ?
  12. damn rly u said this? even dead l2net can count real online , adrenaline count online at loc, but though it u can find real online me found only this photka https://i.imgur.com/r9AqdaX.jpeg and its 2k15 photka i think when devs had no idea about phantoms
  13. no paid clans , at gathering tales had 2,9k ppl in giran with boxes , adrenaline confirmed i know even official serbers have capped 6-8k online since l2 wont handle more ppl, since me was adrenaline user me know how every server had online, sorry me drunked my inglish bad
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