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Frank last won the day on December 25 2024

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  1. Good luck with this! It looks very promising!
  2. https://l2crypt.com/lineage-2-decryption-services/
  3. What an amazing job you've done there! Congratz! Maybe you should consider going harder on this, because the potential is huge. If you need help on anything hit me up!
  4. Does it happen on a specific location or it happens randomly? It could be a broken effect on an npc for example, so when you teleport near it, it causes critical error.
  5. Hello! What do you mean by tracked texture errors?
  6. Hello, can you give some further information regarding this calculator?
  7. Try: l2crypt.com
  8. Be careful with this, they have suspicious history regarding their holding tokens and they also had another project called Monaco If I remember right which was used to manipulate the price and make huge gains by selling off.
  9. Cool work from a trusted client developer! Good luck with your sales OP!
  10. L2PE requires older java version? Thanks
  11. I can also verify that iPerfect is acting weird, he sold me an editor 1.5 year ago and he promised to fix some bugs since he has the source of it but guess what, he never fixed them and i found out that he wasn't even the developer of it. @deMEV sorry to see you get scammed as well, maybe you should find a way to encrypt the files you sell or share so nobody will ever do this again.
  12. Why not both? You have nothing to loose.
  13. I didn't, thanks for your interest!
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