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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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Sorry, Lineage 2 has ended with Interlude for me, and for so I try to rehabilitate "the fallen chronicle", sacrificed on the altar of Kamalols (sort of prehistoric humanoid-bird with one single stupid wing dancing tektonic, raising Lineage 2 to a bad pre-Aion in order to make the transition between the 2 games but failing so hard than they merged all existing servers and killed Lineage2 's primitive spirit).



The funny thing is I use Freya to refactor IL, when I never played on a Freya server. Kinda ironic ?


And I got enough things on IL to work on another chronicle, believe me.



Revision 135 is out, and I'm proud to announce aCis is on faCebook :D Hahaha.




It needs 25 fans in order to get a decent URL, so gogo join :D. And you will see my funny head ! What are you waiting for ?

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Revision 139 under testing. Overview of the subject :




Freya refactored boats.


PS : commited, one freya bug corrected aswell.

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Guys from where i can download a good interlude server pack ... ?


Not from here, obviously  ::). Dev is really lazy, he answers to any messages, even the most stupid, when he could use his precious time to dev.


I must add he is pretty weak, got a big ego but help noobies aswell and he is small (and it's why he uses a dwarf as main).


And he like cakes, ice creams and never sleep (some ppl call him "the bat").



The worst is, he is me.

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Something that came into my mind, Tryskell


Why are you trying to make a Interlude project for a Low rate server ?


Almost everyone knows, that L2J Interlude & low rate, are not a nice combination, since many L2Off IL good packs have been shared,and L2J can't reach their level.



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Something that came into my mind, Tryskell


Why are you trying to make a Interlude project for a Low rate server ?


Almost everyone knows, that L2J Interlude & low rate, are not a nice combination, since many L2Off IL good packs have been shared,and L2J can't reach their level.



Because l2j is lighter?

Because l2j can be developed easy and fast and cheap?

Because for l2off you need at least 2 dedicated?

BTW dont use a-cis !! Use shared with errors l2off packs ( or get one for 400 euro + )

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Something that came into my mind, Tryskell


Why are you trying to make a Interlude project for a Low rate server ?


Almost everyone knows, that L2J Interlude & low rate, are not a nice combination, since many L2Off IL good packs have been shared,and L2J can't reach their level.



And.. Why do you care ?

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Because l2j is lighter?

Because l2j can be developed easy and fast and cheap?

Because for l2off you need at least 2 dedicated?

BTW dont use a-cis !! Use shared with errors l2off packs ( or get one for 400 euro + )

When you make a Low rate server, you and your players, care for the Stability over many players online, and the balance/everything working


And.. Why do you care ?

Just discussioning.

It would be better focusing on most important things, atleast for mid rate servers +

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Why IL, why L2J.


About the chronicle, it's simpliest the most used chronicle, and my favorite. This is a personal choice. About L2J, it's simply the best and easiest way for a unique server.


And if you think "unique" equals "pvp all day long, +30 weapons, hero for all" as 90% of ppl, well you're simply NOT in the 10% who got real ideas :).


You can do multiple awesome gameplays, and the fact is to give a decent pack for any idea you can have. If you use it as a simple low rate, you can, if you use as a mid rate, you can, if you use as high rate, you can. Point is to centralize IL L2J developement around my pack.


At the top begin, this pack was intented to feed my faction gameplay server. If that works well, I would like to begin a new concept aswell. It's the reason of the existence of the central pack, which got all. You remove what you don't want after, keep what you want. You can keep all, or part. A good dev is free to do whatever he wants.


I offer that service to any people who got ideas, which couldn't be made on a L2Off cause of the inner system of L2Off. And I develop my own Java skills, lol. What's the bad part on it ? ^^.


PS : this is aswell a challenge.

PS2 : if all ppl were working on the same project, we could have a near L2Off pack before the end of the year. Or if someone can clone me... PM :D.

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Changeset 140


One quest, glad formula, misc


- deletion of one useless lib (removed then added back at rev 69-70, kept for old qengine only).

- glad formula is more retail like. Damages are really heavy with 7 charges, around xx + 1 it's normal power (xx is the number of charges the skill uses). Compared to PDAM skills damage, the result seems appropriated.

- Addition of one quest, Q166. Ty DiNoR for initial share.

- Correction of all quests considering onAdvEvent() method. Please refer to existing quests in order to get a good template.

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