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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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ppl qq cuz they can't leach?


who would leech it, its near impossible to edit your pack people go to frozen as you can see from activity around the forum. :)

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who would leech it, its near impossible to edit your pack people go to frozen as you can see from activity around the forum. :)

Busy about your own IL pack, ty in advance.

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Busy about your own IL pack, ty in advance.


you should know by now i dont do IL packs, but god you cant take criticism at all :D

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you should know by now i dont do IL packs, but god you cant take criticism at all :D

I can take constructive criticism, I don't take negativism (which you do speaking of whatever pack, btw). If I say your current work of Archid is full of shit, then it's negativism.


If there are problems, give a possible solution. You spoke about NPCs, what will you do to fix the "problem of organization" ? Reverting back to 4 SQLs, as it was before ? If you can't give a decent solution, please, drop "aCis" word from whatever post you will do in future.


PS : I'm lazy to seek, but you spoke about the possibility of an IL project in one of your posts. Until I missread the name.

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I can take constructive criticism, I don't take negativism (which you do speaking of whatever pack, btw). If I say your current work of Archid is full of shit, then it's negativism.


If there are problems, give a possible solution. You spoke about NPCs, what will you do to fix the "problem of organization" ? Reverting back to 4 SQLs, as it was before ? If you can't give a decent solution, please, drop "aCis" word from whatever post you will do in future.


PS : I'm lazy to seek, but you spoke about the possibility of an IL project in one of your posts. Until I missread the name.


i explained a million times possible solutions lol :D i just not going to make them because when my eclipse freezes out when i try to open a file because its so huge well im not going to work with the pack anymore :)

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I doubt that you have that title (MXC C/D) without knowledge of real time changes in (any) IDE while using external editors.


Conclusion - MXC became shithole or you're hater || flamer || in the worst case - retard.



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However, there are ways to split npc.xml, for example, split by npc type(instance).

It means you have to know the instance type in order to edit a NPC, and in case you edit the NPC type, you should manually move that NPC info from one file to another. If you add a new instance type, it also means you have to create a file for it, and put all NPCs related to that type in that file. Ty for the try...


PS : if you only block on the size of the XML and the way to open it, as a dev, you got a problem. An hint, notepad++.

PS2 : repeat it once more then. "One million time". Sure.

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It means you have to know the instance type in order to edit a NPC, and in case you edit the NPC type, you should manually move that NPC info from one file to another. If you add a new instance type, it also means you have to create a file for it, and put all NPCs related to that type in that file. Ty for the try...

Everything seems fine, let me explain:


If you don't know what type is the npc you're trying to edit, then


as a dev, you got a problem


Why edit an official npc's type? Also if you do it on a custom, is it that hard to c/p?


And as regards making a new xml for custom npcs, what's the problem about that? Having everything organized? Sorry, but i don't see the problem there. (You can also make a config to allow multiple types on a specific xml, like custom.xml.)

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And as regards making a new xml for custom npcs, what's the problem about that? Having everything organized? Sorry, but i don't see the problem there. (You can also make a config to allow multiple types on a specific xml, like custom.xml.)

yeah, thats what inspired me to make a surrogate system and now a plugin system. Russian packs also have alot of crammed up xml files, so when doing an npc, i did this: http://pastebin.com/LqrE9Yg1 So i had all the data of the npc template, and i was just overriding stats and names, so forth.

Marshaled/Unmarshaled with jaxb, giving me the option to make surrogates with a gm command and save the file with another.

Tho im giving up xmls.. i find json way more efficent, and if i binary translate it, it can act as an efficient database :P as mongodb is.


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You speak about custom NPCs, but that's the least of my problem. Atm on aCis you only have to c/p an existing template, put an idTemplate and you got your custom NPC.


Until I missed a point Sethek, your "clone stats" still copy stats of the original to the new, so what's the point, in the final your custom NPC will still have his own set of skill, stats and AI ? Added to that, with your system you can't affect one of the stats independently of others (exemple, edit pdef only).


I must add your custom NPCs got a different syntax compared to regular NPCs, which is just a bad idea.



Moving from SQL/XML to MongoDB isn't stupid at all, even if I don't know anything regarding noSQL stuff performance. What's the "save" format ? Can it be used for dynamic content such as characters table ? Is there a 'Navicat' related software in order to make things faster and not typing command after command in order to edit your DB ?


Could be interesting to test.

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You speak about custom NPCs, but that's the least of my problem. Atm on aCis you only have to c/p an existing template, put an idTemplate and you got your custom NPC.


Until I missed a point Sethek, your "clone stats" still copy stats of the original to the new, so what's the point, in the final your custom NPC will still have his own set of skill, stats and AI ? Added to that, with your system you can't affect one of the stats independently of others (exemple, edit pdef only).


I must add your custom NPCs got a different syntax compared to regular NPCs, which is just a bad idea.

Sorry, didnt make my self clear, what im using as a "template" is actually the L2NpcTemplate itself, annotated, i do not clone the whole hierarchy, i just make a new instance and set the fields(using StatsSet on that pack) accordingly.


Moving from SQL/XML to MongoDB isn't stupid at all, even if I don't know anything regarding noSQL stuff performance. What's the "save" format ? Can it be used for dynamic content such as characters table ? Is there a 'Navicat' related software in order to make things faster and not typing command after command in order to edit your DB ?


Could be interesting to test.

A noSQL system on a l2j server is a bad idea, mysql outperforms mongodb in some locations, its still a server and its just not worth it, if there was a an "embed" option of it, then yeah.

MongoDB is a documented database server. Imagine mysql saving tables as xmls. Tho those guys used json since its less chars and if u binary it(more like binary string serialization) with bson, it gives out a better import/export performance. But still, its outperformed as a server by mysql. NoSQL is good for game engines or applications that need to have a dedicated database for standalone use.


Still, it would be pretty neet if you could unserialize a template in case of an emergency, i know its possible with java implementations of bson, but not sure how that will be possible with mongodb, since they use json at its fullest even translating it to java script.


Anyway, json is pretty nifty, and there are alot of serialization implementations of it. Like Jackson @ codehouse. What i like of it is that, we can lazy cache stuff and we can manipulate strings how we want, when we want effectivly.

For instance:

A folder of data, if i was to make a jaxb implementation for the skill system, i would of have to get all xmls and then dom-parse them all then write all that data in a single xml cache, then i will have to call JAXB and start the unmarshal process. That means i will also have to make a "file aware of change system", and then re-cache all that data.


In an l2j server by the time it got to the half of the process i would get an "out of memory exception" :P


With json, i can just read the file, drop every white space while reading the stream, and then do w/e the hell i want XD I can even get data recursively, meaning i can specify:

boolean asArrayMap = true;

int depth = 1; // i did depth 1, it will only get me the first entrys, SkillName skillId and level.

JsonData = json_decode(new SomeReader..., asArrayMap, depth);


Doing so, i wont need to create a new Skill instance just to print the skill name and level, i then can serialize the data again in json or keep it in a map. Easy and memory efficient.


Also this si how a json based skill would look like:

   "skill" :{
      "name": "Deadly Blow",
      "level": 3,
      "powerLevels": [35, 33, 120],
      "effects": {
            "sleep": {
                  "time": 1000,
                  "effectIcon": "someIcon"

Paste it here for highlighting: http://json.parser.online.fr/


And there are a lot of uses, its like the discovery of petrol xD


EDIT: I forgot since its basically javascript, you can get it here highlighted right: http://pastebin.com/F7q7dcUL

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Sorry, didnt make my self clear, what im using as a "template" is actually the L2NpcTemplate itself, annotated, i do not clone the whole hierarchy, i just make a new instance and set the fields(using StatsSet on that pack) accordingly.


o.O I'm surprised that you use greek words to your posts.

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