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How do i know which server i am playing at L2J or L2 ?






This stuff about getting correct ID for each server...............


you mena that on differrent servers same questions and answers have different IDs ?


With the help ArtMoney i manged to fnd some strings like:




link gabrielle_q0337_01a.htm




337 it is the quest number, 01 and `a` i think number of answer or smth.




The first question iz where that gabrielle.htm is located (i didn't find it with l2decrypt)


And the second is what "bypass -h" mean?




And the last: In help.htm there are some variables like smth.....?dvc=216&norep=3 or quest_id=43




Theese are parameters for htm links, but how do i know the names of theese parameters? I mean are there other parametrers and how do i find them?






Or may be this help.htm is kiddie protected? I will have to rewrite it for my purposes






Another Idea: gabrielle_q0337_01a.htm is equal to quest_id=337 noask=1 and dvc is the same as quest_id

  • 2 weeks later...

Prosił bym jakiegoś polaka o napisanie mi włączenia cheatów na serwerze nightmare iDragon3d w punktach co pokolei sciagac co zrobic... itp. mojego gg 5819504 lub napisz tutaj ktos po polsku... ;x i co ten hax robi?




Please people writing instrucion on this cheats with iDragon3d serwer's...


(Nightmare x30). [ In Points please :(( ]


That shit don't work anyway on any server I created my own L2J not working either I got banned from carnagel2 and that shit is easy to find for GM's I got banned that same hour

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