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[WTS] Gracia Epilogue server pack

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Yes that i want say i don't pay cuse i can make it by self but for somebody who can't do it you are god. You know why public project allways die? Cuse every developers make diffrence things. If one team have leader who say sample dev1 do that, second do that and they working all day on this one thing that will be awsome but in the practise is that everyone do what they like or nothing. Sometimes invite newbie dev he make shit without test synces etc and that produce next bugs warnings ^^ That is reason why i recommend one person who know what he do than team 10 peapole who c/p.


indeed thats just basic team organization

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so far i was busy added only a few cleanup tomorrow going to start to work on other stuff again before l2j release freya so i can update much easier

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pack development stopped at this point.


Waiting for freya to start with a clean pack in order to work based on a new plan without things that can be potentially such as XMLLoaders

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  • 2 weeks later...

i whant to buy this files do u steel selling it?


yes i just freezed the development of epilogue because i wait for freya.

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